I can’t wait to get our routine back

This is looking like a slower week and that's awesome. 😀 I had planned on walking in the morning but just realized that Elliott has a meds check with Dr. Reynolds. I was thinking I would just go by myself but then it occurred to me that Elliott's appointment with immunology last week showed that his heart rate was a bit tachy.  It also just occurred to me that while it could have been anxiety, it may also be his ADHD meds causing the problem.     If that's the case, Dr. Reynolds is the one to handle that and he's going to need Elliott present in order to assess his condition.  I hate pulling him out of school again but it's an excused absence and not going to negatively impact…


Grocery shopping we did go

The boys and I headed out to Walmart to go grocery shopping right before lunch. They did pretty darn well for having as much energy as they did.  When we were done, they helped bring everything in and put it away.  They needed to be sorta reminded to keep on task but they were a big help. I was really hoping to get them to the track and maybe get a couple miles in but Emmett is not in the mood to go.     If I were to force him, it would be a disaster and I would end up having to carry him all or most of the way. It's not always wise to push a child on the Autism spectrum.  Challenging them is one thing but pushing them…


Yes it’s depressing but it’s also the truth and the world needs to be aware

I truly am a positive person. I can find and focus on the positive in just about any situation. One of my strongest beliefs is that it's so important to focus on the positive because it helps to provide the strength needed to fight the good fight.  I'm frequently accused of being negative, which sorta confuses me because I'm also accused of being too positive as well. It's like make up your mind already.    Here's the thing... My mission with this blog is not to publish pretty, fluffy, sweet smelling articles that contain such a candy coated version of the truth, your teeth hurt just reading them.  The goal is not to make sure my readers are comfortable with what they're reading either.  The purpose of this blog is…


I think I might need more help than I’m getting

Like anyone else, I have good days and bad days. There are days where I feel like I'm taking life by the horns but there are other days where I feel like I'm being mercilessly gored by those same horns.  The reality is that I do have quite a bit on my plate. Being stressed out isn't an inappropriate response to what my life requires from me. I started making a list of just the major things that I'm losing sleep over and these are in not particular order: I'm getting divorced and it's become complicated  I'm raising 3 kids with very special needs on my own Gavin's physical and emotional health is getting worse The boys are struggling with life in every way imaginable  Our beloved dog Maggie may…


It’s time for this #Autism Dad to relax

The boys are finally in bed but not sleeping just yet. It's been a really long day and I just want to crash on the couch. There was way too much anxiety, overstimulation and stress today. I need to find a good movie on Netflix and start planning my grocery list cause I will be taking the boys to the grocery store in the morning. I'm not looking forward to that but it needs to be done. While today was extremely stressful, my house feels whole once again and I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world. ❤️   


The boys visitation with their Mom was positive overall but the boys are still struggling

The boys got home about 4 hours ago. They were visiting their Mom and from the sounds of it, things went pretty well. The boys are decompressing still and have been pretty moody this afternoon. There has been some fighting between the E's and it's not been a super pleasant afternoon. Elliott's crying at the drop of the hat and Emmett's melting down over everything.      These guys seem to have had a good visit but they are still struggling a bit with the transition home. Gavin's been talking nonstop about video games and has been extremely impulsive. That's not all that uncommon for him but his impulsiveness has been causing some minor upsets in our house this afternoon.  He's trying and that's what I'm focusing on... Maybe we'll…