Mr. Emmett was super clingy last night

Good morning all.  I had a horrible night's sleep as Mr. Emmett was super clingy last night.. On the bright side, I'm in a really good mood and even have a smidgen of motivation to get some things done around the house today.  Hope ya'll are having a good morning as well.  ☺


Confessions of an #Autism Dad: Taking Life Minute by Minute

Everyone has bad days. You couldn't have good days without the bad.  With that in mind, I'm trying to remember one bad day doesn't mean a bad life.  I'm going to be completely honest and tell you that's much easier said than done.. Right now I'm trying to cope with the soul crushing diagnosis that my oldest just received,  one that leaves me powerless and fearing the future. My two youngest are struggling in most areas of their life and it's absolutely heartbreaking.. I know that I'm truly doing everything I can for my kids.  I also know that I'm only one person, so in many ways I'm setup to fail.  I absolutely love my kids and I take on each day, hoping that what I'm able to do is…


Did you know that kids with #Autism are still just kids?

I want to get this message out there because I think that it's pretty easy to lose sight of this. Yes,  kids with Autism face many challenges that other people don't. There are behavioral issues that seem to be common with the population of kids in the Autism spectrum as well. Always remember that while your child is Autistic, they are also just a kid. What do I mean by they are also just a kid? Simply put, not everything can be attributed to them having Autism. This means that sometimes there are behaviors that are simply typical of their age group. It's not always easy to identify the difference but just remember that a kid with Autism is still a kid. I'm currently trying to survive the puberty in…


Gavin’s IVIG infusion went amazingly well

Just wanted to share that Gavin had the best infusion he's had in awhile.  It was painful today but the process itself took only 1 hour and he's been up and moving around since it ended. Recently these infusions have taken anywhere from 3 - 8 hours to complete. Today however, went really, really well.  Thanks for the thoughts and prayers...  ☺


Please keep Gavin in your thoughts and prayers

Please keep Gavin in your thoughts and prayers this morning.  He's about to begin his second IVIG infusion at the new infusion site.  For the second time, he will have the needles placed into his thighs instead of his belly.  While the site is numb,  it's a very uncomfortable process and it took about 3 hours on Monday.  He had a difficult time walking for about 3 days, following his infusion on Monday.  There may have been a little drama involved but he was definitely hurting. He's really nervous and could use some positive energy coming his way... Thanks ☺


Why last night kicked my ass

I fell asleep early last night and was too tired to explain why the end of the day was so rough. Today I've been up since the butt crack of dawn and feeling pretty good, so I thought I'd get you all caught up.. ☺ We had a really good day yesterday but between dinner and bedtime, the bottom dropped out..   Gavin did well all day and that's not really a big surprise because that's pretty much status quo for him lately. Elliott, on the other hand, was all over the place. Between bouncing off the wall, sometimes literally, he was in a weird place and ended up pushing Emmett's buttons.  He was is full on ADHD/ultra impulsive mode and nearly impossible to wrangle in. Emmett was in full…