We had a mini-crisis this morning
I reached out to Gavin's immunologist because he's going to potentially miss 2 infusions in a row.
I reached out to Gavin's immunologist because he's going to potentially miss 2 infusions in a row.
Have you ever been too tired to sleep? That's where I am tonight
Yes, I'm angry. Yes, this is really fucked up but it's over and done with. Here's what happened.....
Do you ever feel like there's some ominous force that's dropping shitbombs into your life and screaming dance motherfucker dance?
"Focus on what you can actually control rather than the things you can't" People ask me pretty often, how am I doing so well with everything I have going on? I would always just say that I do what I have to do. This afternoon I had a brief conversation with my Dad on the phone. He was basically just checking up on me and expressing some concern about some things that are going on. He asked me why I'm not worried about these things? I hadn't really been able to articulate the answer prior to today because I couldn't quite find the words to express why. I told him that I am worried about these things but I have absolutely no control over most of these situations. They are a result…
These are a few pictures from OT and PT this week for Emmett. He did awesome and had a ton of fun.. ☺
Elliott is scared to death of what awaits him in the morning
Let's just call it what it was, a shitty fucking day. It was a shitty fucking day. In fact, it was the shittiest fucking day I've had in a long time.