Distance learning for the first time is pretty f*cking scary

School is getting closer and closer and I'm getting nervous. We will be distance learning for the first time because there isn't a snowballs chance in hell that I would put my kids in a classroom right now. I know it's the right thing to do but I'm questioning whether I'm the right person for the job. Unfortunately, I'm the only person for the job, so I don't really have a choice. Everyone is stressed out and lockdown is continuing to take its toll. The house setup is not really conducive to distance learning and I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet. Using the dining room table is probably the easiest solution but the boys may end up distracting each other if I don't separate them. Ideally, they'd…


Navigating The In-Between

So last night was pretty rough. We're coming up on the one year mark since Lizze moved out and while I feel like the kids are doing better, there's still a tremendous amount of pain. Each of the kids deal with everything in different ways. Gavin simply accepts whatever he's told, never questioning anything. Emmett doesn't want to make waves, so he largely avoids any type of conflict but is angry. Elliott accepts nothing and keeps everything bottled up until he explodes. It was like an emotional nuclear bomb exploded in my living room last night. Elliott unloaded a great deal of what he's been keeping inside and all I could really do was listen. I don't agree with everything he said but I won't take away how he feels.…


We basically have 2 weeks before school begins

School supplies have started to arrive for Emmett. Elliott already received a textbook and laptop a few weeks back. Emmett received books, art supplies, a science kit and his laptop. The math workbook is enormous. We have about 2 weeks left before school is supposed to begin and frankly, I'm nervous. Things are already so challenging and that's without having to try and manage distance learning. At this point, I'm not even sure what's going to happen in Ohio. It's not yet been decided as far as I know. I suspect the school year will at the very least, be delayed. We'll have to see what happens and how it impacts us. For right now however, I'm just hoping that I can pull this off. I told Gavin that we…

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I let people get to me today

Generally speaking, I have pretty thick skin and I don't take to heart some of the unkind things that are said to me. I figure it's not worth getting upset over and more often than not, I simply don't care. I get my share of hate mail but I don't often talk about it because I just don't. Today was a particularly brutal day and it came from several different sources. I vented a bit eariler and you can read that here. I will never understand what drives a person to feel their opinion is so important that they are just compelled to dump it on me. I really don't need to know that you think I'm a terrible person or a failure as a father. For whatever reason, I…


To Whom This May Concern: I Am In My Lane

I shared my recent interview with ABC News on the topic of wearing masks, and there have been some requests from within the autism community that I stay in my lane. It's been suggested that I just focus on autism related things because that's why people follow me. I thought a To Whom This May Concern type response made sense. I want to take a few minutes and explain why I'm doing what I'm doing and the purpose behind it. To Whom This May Concern We are living in a time where taking a stand matters. I'm a single Dad with 3 amazing autistic kids. My son is immunocompromised, and you better believe that I will use my platform to advocate for anything that will help keep him and others…


My current back to school plan is far from perfect but at least it’s safe

I'm trying to keep things moving forward and I feel like I'm doing a halfway decent job. That's not easy for me to say that either. I tend to focus on my many failings and gloss over my parenting wins. I do feel pretty accomplished to have a basic strategy for the upcoming school year. We haven't left the house in a few days. It's been insanely hot and COVID is worsening in Ohio. There's also a renewal of the general safety concerns where we live. There have been shootings recently and while that's not unheard of its been getting pretty bad. I've mentioned before that gunshots are an almost daily occurance where I live. I don't always know what happened but we hear them all the time. The gunshots…


I spoke on ABC News tonight about the importance of masks

Last night, I was featured in an ABC News segment about the importance of wearing masks during the COVID-19 crisis. There is debate about the validity of people claiming medical exemptions in regards to wearing masks. For my part, I spoke to the challenges facing kiddos with neuro developmental disorders like autism and wearing masks during COVID-19. We discussed how my kids were doing with masks and how I helped them adjust to wearing them. I'm towards towards the end of the segment. I don't mince words when it comes to this because there's no excuse not to wear a mask. If someone has a condition that makes wearing a mask unsafe, and those conditions are few, they probably should be sheltering at home and avoid public spaces during a…

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