Thank you @devindwyer and @ABCNewsLive

I just wanted to say thank you to Devin Dwyer and ABC News Live for being so awesome with my kids. We've been featured a few times on ABC News Live and wherever else it ultimately aired after. I've spoken about several COVID related topics from remote learning to the importance of wearing a mask. My kids were given a chance to speak their minds about what all of this has been like for them as well. You can check out the clips here. Devin has helped to raise awareness for special needs families and the struggles we're facing during COVID lockdown. I've also met some amazing families along the way. The kids were so excited to see themselves on TV and for someone to take their views seriously enough…

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I’m feeling really good about this

So the response to my Parent to Parent series has been amazing thus far. I've got several parents already scheduled and many more in the process. This is so cool because I love meeting new people and I've not met any of these parents prior to guest discussions. I don't want to do a great deal of research outside of a brief bio and making sure they are who they say they are. When you listen to these conversations, you'll hear me getting to know these people for the very first time. I think this is such a cool idea because it's not rehearsed or scripted. I have a list of questions but so far, we've not made it through them because the conversation takes on a life of its…


I wish I knew what was stressing me out so much

I'm totally struggling today. My head has been pounding all day and I'm sporting a relatively short fuse. I was hoping today would be a better day for me but it hasn't. I wish I could put my finger on what was causing me so much distress but I can't. The reality is that I'm overwhelmed and by overwhelmed I mean it feels like life is crushing me to the point I can't breathe. I know many of you out there reading this can relate. It would be awesome if I could say, oh this is what's stressing me out and then do something about it. Unfortunately, I don't think it's any one thing. I think it's a number of things and my resources are depleted to such an extent…


I feel so defeated tonight

Today is one of those days where I feel like I've crumbled under the weight of everything going on in my life. It's been one of those days where I feel utterly defeated and pretty much a failure. The kids have been struggling this weekend and I've not been able to make it better. I'm doing the best I can but it's not enough. I feel like my attention is divided too many times and I'm spread too thin. That shouldn't really be a surprise to anyone. There are projects around the house that need done and aren't getting any closer to completion. My car is currently in limbo because I'm fighting with insurance to cover all the damages and it's taking some time. The kids and I are struggling…


Do your kids do weird shit too? Please share..

Let's face it, kids can often do weird things that as parents, we just sit back and think, what the fuck? This isn't about our kids being weird but rather some of the odd things they do. I jokingly tell my kids all the time that they're weird because in our house, weird is a good thing. Being different is celebrated and diversity is treasured. We feel the same way about nerds. Nerds are cool in this house. Full Stop That being said, my kids do some weird things that I'm so used to, it sometimes goes unnoticed. This weekend however, I found myself rather annoyed because of something one of my amazing kiddos has a habit of doing. Mr. Emmett has always had a thing with labels. For whatever…


I have some exciting news

I mentioned yesterday, I think it was yesterday. Anyway, I mentioned that there were some things that I was really excited about but wanted to save it for a followup post and here it is. So, I'm officially recording again and I'm really excited about this new series of interviews. I've been talking to all kinds of experts during the first three seasons because I wanted to provide valuable information that could improve the lives of families, especially autism families. I'll still continue to bring valuable info but I want to do something a little different. What I'm doing now is recording conversations I have with other autism or special needs parents. These are raw, unfiltered conversations so you can expect colorful language and interesting insights into someone else's life.…


A long overdue, deeply personal update

It's been a little while since I've really talked about how I'm doing on a personal level. There's not really a reason for that I'm just a bit overwhelmed and when this happens, it's not as easy for me to write. That said, it's important that I do anyway because it's incredibly therapeutic for me to do so. For the most part, I think I'm doing pretty well. Could I be doing better? Of course I could. Could I be doing worse? You betcha.. I'm trying to manage a lot right now and it's not easy. The balance between work and family is quite challenging, especially when the kids are learning from home. I need to be working but they need guidance and support because remote learning is a very…


Have I said how much I hate 2020?

Emmett's not been having a good week in regards to school. He's been in a fever flare for going on a week now and that's likely contributing to his struggles. As crazy as it sounds, I hadn't put two and two together until this morning. He's been doing well since returning to his old school. This morning he woke up not feeling well and I tried to help him work through it but he's miserable, so I let him go back to sleep. The antivirals haven't really helped reduce this particular flare yet and he's still in a lot of pain. At least he can find some relief if he sleeps. I called the school and Emmett will do on today's work when he wakes up. There's a lesson learned…

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