You know it’s bad when your child’s meltdown sets off the alarm

This morning has been filled with screaming.  In fact, it's been so bad that it's actually setting off the glass break sensors in the house, triggering an alarm.. Emmett's spent the morning, melting down over any and every conceivable thing.  As I suggested in last night's post, there's going to be quite a bit of fallout from yesterday's trip to the dentist. At the moment, I'm snuggling on the couch with Mr. Emmett, under a really heavy weighted blanket. I'm hoping that this will help Emmett to experience some sensory input that will provide him with enough comfort to reduce the stress and anxiety, that's built up from yesterday.  His meltdowns have been so loud and so high pitched that he's set of the glass break sensors throughout the house.…


Today was pretty horrible but we lived to tell about it

Today has been such a long, both emotionally and physically draining day. Before and after Emmett's emergency dental appointment, I didn't see much of Gavin.  He spent most of his free time in his room. The only time he really spent time amongst his family was after dinner, while he was receiving his IVIG infusion. When he gets his infusion, he likes to sit in the same exact spot and practice the exact same routine.  If anything shakes up that routine, he panics and for that reason, we do our best to ensure everything stays as close to the same each time he gets his infusion. Poor Emmett has been so tired after his dental procedure today. He fell asleep in the car on the way home and has been…


You won’t believe what we went through just trying to get Emmett to the dentist

I can't even begin to explain how horribly awry today has gone. I should probably just start at the beginning. Lizze got off to class without any problems and let me sleep in until it was time for her to leave. The boys and I spent the morning getting some things done. I spent a large part of my time just trying to calm Emmett, who's picked today to freak out about the dentist.  He normally does well but on a day that Lizze isn't able to be there, he's pretty hardcore freaking out. Before we left, Elliott and Gavin had a snack because we were going to eat lunch late. Elliott had some granola samples I had received and Gavin had crackers or something, I can't remember. We checked…