I’d rather my kids with #Autism get to school late but in a good mood
Sometimes it more important how your kids with #Autism arrive at school rather than when they arrive...
Sometimes it more important how your kids with #Autism arrive at school rather than when they arrive...
Please take a few minutes to read this and share it with other familes. If you're an #Autism family worried about wandering, we can help you. Please don't dismiss this without learning the facts. I can and will help in any way possible. We're here to make a difference in the lives of Autism families.
"We have to go back once a week for the next three or four weeks and that's going to present a few challenges, both financially and logistically. I'll figure something out though."
We had a good trip up to the Cleveland Clinic. Now I'm just trying to kill some time
"Everything going on with Gavin is really taking its toll on both of us and we need the break, even if the entire trip is done in silence."
"At the risk of sounding like a terrible parent, I'm going to admit that my oldest son Gavin, is driving me absolutely bat shit crazy. Some would argue that's a short trip and frankly, they're probably right"
It's one of those days where I can actually step back and ask myself how the heck am I doing this?
"It's been three nights in a row now that I've ended is camping out on the couch with a sick Emmett"