I needed stitches but #COVID kept me from going to the ER

The boys have school in the morning and I have my last recording of the year scheduled in the afternoon. I'm not sure if that will be tacked onto season 3 or be the first episode of season 4. Decisions decisions. I think it's going to be a relatively slow week. We have groceries ordered and scheduled for delivery on Tuesday and Wednesday. They're from different places and have different schedules. I'm weird about groceries. I like Walmart for most things but prefer Giant Eagle for meat and produce. In the advent of COVID, grocery shopping can amount to multiple deliveries. There are going to be big steps forward in my divorce this week. The progress is good because it's one big step closer to gaining some needed closure for…


This is how I know I let my kids down and it breaks my heart

I've been under a tremendous amount of pressure this year. I was getting my footing as a single Dad when COVID hit and our lives were once again turned upside down. I'm honestly doing the best I can but I was recently reminded that I need to do better. This story involves Emmett in particular but I'm sure it applies to Elliott and Gavin to some extent as well. Emmett is the absolute sweetest kid. He's going through a rough time but he's always worried about me. Ever since Lizze moved out, he's constantly asking me if I'm okay. Becoming a single parent is not an easy adjustment and while I do my best to manage the emotions and stress, it doesn't always go so well. I've been stressed out…


2020 hasn’t been all bad and here’s proof

2020 has been a nightmare for most humans, especially those living here, in the US. If you've been following me or reading this website for any length of time, you probably know that I try to focus on the positive. It's not always easy and I don't always do a good job. That said, I thought I would list a few things I'm thankful for because I forgot to do that over Thanksgiving. I know. Shame on me but better late than never. :-) There are number of things I'm thankful for, even during COVID. I'm just going to focus on a few of the bigger ones cause there's too many little ones to mention. The 2020 Trip I'm so thankful that right before what would turn out to be…


It’s been the longest week ever and it’s not done yet

It's been a long week but we've survived thus far. I spent as much time as possible working because November wasn't very profitable and extra work is necessary to survive December. Thankfully, I've had a few deals come in but I need more to come in to weather the remainder of 2020. The boys have finished the school week on a good note and Emmett has even been making progress on make-up work. I'm quite proud of him. My day was spent staring at this screen, trying to finish up the remaining episodes of this season. I've mentioned before that I'm cutting the season off at 40 episodes, which is still pretty impressive. There's so much work that goes into each episode and I'm only one person. I'm quite proud…


Update on Gavin’s fever

I know I promised this yesterday but life has been absolutely crazy. I'm having to swim a bit harder to keep my head above water. So, I apologize for the delay. I shared the other night that Gavin was running a low grade fever, at least what a low grade fever is for him. He's not showing any other symptoms at all. His fever climbed a little bit that night and then dropped back down a little by morning. Later in the day, he was back up to 99.5°F, which again, is warm for him personally. I'm not sure what is going on but Lizze and I have been talking about it and it could just be one of those weird Gavin things. For the record, this photo is pre-covid.…


So Gavin started running a low grade fever tonight

It's been a really challenging day for about a million reasons. I was going to touch on some of those reasons but yet another issue has made itself known and this is going to be the priority until I know otherwise. Gavin is running what is a low grade fever for him. He's very much like his mother in the sense that they usually run a bit low and almost never run a fever. Lizze was notorious for having really bad strep throat but never running a fever. Gavin's always been very similar. Elliott noticed that Gavin's ears were bright red and became concerned. I'm not worried about his ears being red but to help put his concerns to rest and that of Gavin's because Elliott said something to him,…


Here’s what happened this past week

It's been a couple of days and the truth is, I'm just overwhelmed right now. The kids are a handful lately and after almost 270 days of our avoiding COVID journey, I think that is to be expected. Just because it's expected or understandable, doesn't mean it's easy. We had a relatively quiet Thanksgiving and ended up ordering Denny's via Doordash. We had cooked a turkey a few days prior and the kids wanted breakfast from Denny's. I figured, why the hell not.. That was pretty much the bulk of our week. I think we went for one hike and that was about it (pictures below). The battery in the car went bad and I had to get it replaced. I also had to do that while preserving as much…


Helping my son learn to forgive

I had a very challenging morning with my youngest. He's a ball of rage and pain and fear and anger. He got into it with his brothers this morning and just exploded. This isn't who he is but rather how he reacts to all the feelings he keeps locked inside. Yes, Mightier helps him manage these emotions much better but there are things he needs to learn that it doesn't teach. The overall theme to his struggles is loss. He's struggling to deal with a tremendous amount of loss. He's lost all three of his remaining great grandparents, his mother moved out, an aunt died, and an uncle passed away as well. He's lost multiple family pets to cancer and all of this loss took place over the last year…

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