MAJOR change is coming to Gavin’s life

The appointment went pretty well with Gavin's shrink this afternoon. It probably goes without saying that Gavin did a good job while he was there.  As I mentioned in the previous post, this was supposed to be a med check and nothing more. I also mentioned that I can never know for sure because it's Gavin and everything about him is fucking complex..  Let me get right to the point.  Gavin's rather significant level of confusion might be related to the fact that he has childhood disintegrative disorder. Frankly, that's what I've thought and sorta run with. As it turns out, the confusion may me related to his Lithium or rather the Lithium/Clozapine combination.  As a result, we're doing something we never done before and that's begin to wean him…


We’re at the shrinks office 

Mr. Gavin and I are waiting to be seen by Dr. Reynolds. I've been assured that we don't have to wait very long today because he's relatively on time.  This is a simple meds check but you never know with Gavin.  So far, Gavin's been weighed and vital'd.. He's still not gained any weight and his BP of 126/78 is really high for him. He's not nervous or anything, so I'm not sure what's up with that.  Anyway, after this appointment, we will go fill the water jugs and go pick up Elliott and Emmett from school. That should mark the end of our adventures away from the house today. 


Awesome news

I slept like the dead last night. I didn't even notice Lizze move downstairs because she couldn't get comfortable. In fact, I slept so well that I actually overslept.  Both boys did great this morning. Shoes and socks were not an issue for Emmett today and that's amazing.  Gavin is currently sleeping off his morning medications and will see his psychiatrist around lunchtime today. This is just a follow up and med check. I don't expect anything else to be adjusted or changed..  I'm hoping that this will end up being a decent day.. ☺ 


MASSIVE UPDATE: Heartbreak and a few other things

As we close out another stressful day in world of special needs parenting, I thought I would touch base on how the day went.  We know that Emmett didn't make it to school. Rather, he made it to school but not out of the car. It was one of those sensory days where he was so hypersensitive, there was no working through it.  That's not to say we didn't try and try extensively because we did.  Every once in awhile, we hit days like this where Emmett just cannot tolerate anything on his feet. It doesn't matter what we try, nothing works. This is the exception to the rule though.  Typically, it's a struggle and requires a shit load of patience but we can work through it with him.  We…


Show of hands, who can relate to this #Autism Parenting challenge? 

It never fails that when I'm sick, tons of other shit happens at the same time, making it harder for me to rest.  I'm still not feeling good, didn't sleep well last night and Lizze is struggling to walk because of her hip. Simply waking up this morning had us at a disadvantage, right out of the gate.  Emmett had a really bad morning but not because he was doing anything wrong. He was unable to wear anything on his feet, despite exhaustive efforts to help him do so. He wouldn't even wear his flip flops.  We were almost twenty five minutes late before we even got him out to the car.  The poor kid had his shoes and socks on when we got into the car but he became…


#Autism families are sharing about how @VivintGivesBack has improved their lives and given them peace of mind

For a while now, I've been talking about how I use the home automation/security system I received from the Vivint Gives Back Project to keep my kids with Autism safer. You can read all about my experiences by clicking here. I thought it might be beneficial for you to see what other families are saying about their experience with the Vivint Gives Back Project. As a reminder, the Vivint Gives Back Project is devoted to providing Special Needs families with peace of mind. They do this by donating home security and automation equipment that helps parents both monitor and provide a safer environment for their Special Needs Kids. Monthly service rates are based on income and range from $15 - $40/month. You can apply for a system of your own,  you clicking here. Please…


I feel like I was hit by a freight train and left to die in the tracks 

Emmett has clearly woken up on the wrong side of the bed and is not having a good morning. Shoe's and socks are presenting a major problem today and it doesn't seem like we are able to work through it like we usually do.  I'm feeling like I was hit by a freight train and left to die on the tracks.  All I have to do is get the boys to school and then I can come home and pass out. The only thing between me being able to go back to sleep, is Emmett and his shoes and socks. 


It was a really rough day but we made it

It's been a really long day. I feel like shit and I'm sleeping on the couch because it's the only place I'm comfortable. The couch is really firm and I need that with my back the way it is. Plus, I'm sick and it's easier to fall asleep sitting up, while on the couch.  Thank God there's nothing on the agenda for tomorrow and aside from getting the boys to and from school, I should hopefully be able to rest.  I took some Nyquil and I'm hoping to be out shortly. Once I'm sleeping, I'll probably sleep through the night, unless one of the boys wakes me up.  I'm really grateful because Lizze has tried really hard to make sure I was able to rest today. I know it wasn't…