#Autism or not, kids will be kids and brothers will be brothers

It's been a day. The kids have not been very cooperative and fighting a great deal more than usual. I'm not sure what's going on but we'll just say it was a somewhat challenging weekend. One of the issues we're struggling with is the boys get very frustrated with Gavin. They see a grown man on the outside but get frustrated when he doesn't act like an adult. Gavin wants to be treated like he's an adult but very often doesn't act like one and for good reason. Gavin is significantly cognitively delayed and in many areas of his emotional life, he's much closer to a 6 year old level than that of a 21 year old. I've known him for 20 years and I can find myself frustrated at…


The Fusion True Wireless Earbuds by KLH

A few things before I get into this Fusion earbuds review. I'm obsessed with wireless earbuds because I love music and hate wires. It's one of the only ways I can escape as a single Dad to 3 autistic kiddos, especially since Covid. I'm not necessarily an audiophile but I do appreciate good quality sound and know when I hear it. Sound can be very subjective and like beauty, it's in the eye of the beholder, or in this case, the ear of the listener. The Fusion True Wireless Earbuds World Wide Stereo sent out a pair of Fusion True Wireless Earbuds by KLH for me to try out and share my thoughts. As an avid Android user, I have never used AirPods and haven't been a huge fan of…


Fantastic news

In the spirit of trying to get back into writing more, I wanted to share some positive news tonight. First and foremost, the best thing that happened today is that Gavin's IVIG Infusion went well. I think that he will probably feel little more confident on Monday and perhaps he'll be able to get through his infusion a bit easier. Great job Gavin. In other Gavin news, his birthday present that wasn't supposed to arrive until next month, showed up today. He was super excited and now he only has one more item currently in shipping. It's something for him to look forward to. Elliott and Emmett are both caught up and current in regards to school. That's so amazing and I'm so proud of them. I know how difficult…

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I’m getting divorced: What I’m grateful for and few other updates

The boys are still sleeping and Gavin's IVIG Infusion is going. The only noise I hear at the moment is the filter in the aquarium because the tank needs water added. It sounds like a water fall but not the calm, relaxing kind. It's super annoying and I will dump some water in when I'm done with this. After the inauguration, I just sorta crashed. Trump, COVID and my divorce, I have had me extremely stressed out and the last few days have been one long exhale. I figure there's no time like to present to get you an overdue update and so here I am. As I mentioned, the boys are still asleep. It's a no school day and I'm letting them sleep. Frankly, aside from the fish tank,…


This isn’t supposed to happen

It's Gavin's 21st birthday and we were off to a good start. His IVIG Infusion supplies showed up and he immediately went to work. Whenever he gets his supplies, I've taught him to put together kits containing everything he needs for each infusion. This serves a dual purpose. It helps him to learn how to organize, maintain and keep track of these life saving supplies. The other thing it does is help to streamline the infusion process as well as helps him to take inventory when the supplies are first received. It's important to take this inventory because sometimes items are missing and he needs to let me know immediately so I can get them ordered. This morning he put his kits together and he had enough supplies for eight…


Today didn’t go as planned

As with everything else in my life, today didn't go as planned. We were going to celebrate day two of Gavin's birthday and we did but with a some changes. We decided not to bake a cake today because Lizze is dropping one off on Monday. Instead, Emmett baked his cookies and we watched a movie. Gavin really enjoyed himself and that's all that matters. Emmett did a fantastic job of baking what he calls chocolate snap cookies. These are hands down my favorite cookie he makes. Keep in mind this kid is 12 years old and doing this completely on his own. He baked sugar cookies and then melted chocolate for the top. He's really in disbelief over the fact that we like them as much as we do.…


A fun little update

It's been an interesting weekend thus far. The boys came home yesterday from a visit with their Mom. They all had a great time and I'm so glad we were able to get this safely worked out. There was some transition challenges but it's a small price to pay for everyone to get a chance to be together. We managed to get through all those challenges and have settled into Gavin's birthday weekend. He turns 21 on Monday and while I'm in disbelief at the amount of time that has passed, it's an amazing moment. We're going to spread out the celebration over the next few days. We had his birthday dinner tonight, which was his favorite Chinese takeout. I had talked it over with the boys and they decided…


I got a break for the first time since September

It's been a couple days and I wanted to share something before I crash for the night. This will be brief because I'm exhausted and I'll try to follow up later. The other day, I called Lizze to find out if they'd been locked down for at least 14 days. They had been and so I suggested making arrangements for the boys to go over for a few days. It's been since September and that's really hard on her and the kids. We had decided to shut visits down until COVID was under control. That's the only reason she hasn't seen them. Since the insurrection at the Capitol Building and the current threats for this coming week, as well as how much worse COVID is getting, I thought we should…