Here’s what happened

It's been a few days and there are a few reasons for that. The biggest however, is that this site went down and it took me almost three days to fix it. I'm still not sure what happened but I've rebuilt from the ground up and I think everything is in the exact same place it was before. I've been extremely frustrated since this while thing began and I dislike not knowing what's actually wrong. There's still a few things that need to be located, identified and fixed but I'm waiting on the guys at Automattic to get back to me. I just wanted to apologize for the down time and thank you all for sticking around. There's a lot to update you on and I'll do my best to…


Why getting my youngest with #Autism to school is so exhausting 

Remember last night when I said that I suspected Emmett was going to have a difficult time this morning? That turned out to be the understatement of the year.  Emmett was beside himself all morning long. Lizze and I tried forever to help him through whatever emotional hurdle was in his way but we didn't manage to do that.  We did however, manage to get him to agree to go with me and talk to his teachers.  In order to further redirect his attention away from his anxieties, I picked up donuts while getting gas on our way to school. We ended up being thirty minutes late but we made it. He didn't even need me to walk him in because the redirection was a success..  This is great news…


It’s the not knowing that kills me as a parent

It's becoming clear that Gavin's struggling more and more. Unfortunately, there's no way to know if this is another leg of his journey with Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, the result of changes to his medications or just par for the course. His level of functionality is decreasing and doing so in weird areas. Things like self-awareness are slipping. There's never been a great deal of that to begin with, so this change is noticeable. What do I mean by self-awareness? Gavin had an ice cream sandwich this afternoon. About three hours later, I took the boys to the park to hunt Pokémon for short while before picking up their pizza for school tomorrow. I wasn't paying attention to Gavin's face, like I usually do before we leave and I was caught…


I feel like I’m being held hostage by my sick kids 

Both Elliott and Emmett we're home from school, as I mentioned earlier. Both boys also seemed to be doing better during the first half of the morning. Unfortunately, shortly after the lunch hour, things went downhill. Lizze and Gavin were both sleeping. It was just the E's and myself in the living room. Elliott fell asleep on the one couch and ended up sleeping for well over four hours. The poor kid would stir a bit, cry and fall back asleep. 🙁 Mr. Emmett climbed up on my lap and fell asleep in a really awkward position. He was clearly comfortable but I was far from it. I was twisted in a weird position and all I wanted to do was straighten my leg out but I couldn't without moving…


We just can’t catch a break

After I finally got the kids to sleep last night, I ran into another mini-crisis. Out of nowhere, Gavin wakes up sobbing because his back and neck hurt so bad that he couldn't go back to sleep.  I woke Lizze up. It took her and I both, to calm Gavin down. The only thing we could do was give him an Advil and try to get him back to sleep.  He did eventually go back to sleep, and when he woke up this morning he was feeling better. We have no idea what caused his pain last night but suspect that perhaps he was sleeping in a weird position.  Lizze let me sleep this morning and she got up with the boys. Actually, she pulled the wife card and ordered…


The past 5 days have taken their toll

As I'm writing this entry, it's 12:35am and I'm not sleeping or even in my own bed. Both Elliott and Emmett are awake, feeling like shit and running fevers. To make things even more unfortunate, I'm running a low grade fever as well.  What I need more than anything is a good night's sleep but that won't be in the cards tonight, once again.  Unfortunately, the medications (and they are necessary) Lizze has to take at night preclude her from being able to help out much in this area. Having said that, she will be good in the morning and I can go back to sleep, in my amazing new bed.  At least we have nothing going on today. I've been doing this since last Friday and I'm dying at…


Meet the ferrets helping my kids with #Autism 

If you've been following our story for awhile, you already know how I like to share about the positive impact animals have on my kids with Autism.  I've been raised around animals my whole life and have always benefited from having pets.  It's widely known that animals can have a profoundly positive impact on kids with Autism or Special Needs. I won't pretend to know exactly why this is but I know it's true.  When my kids met their first ferret about a year and a half ago, there was an instant bond. What really surprised me was how they've never lost that bond, even after all this time. My kids both seek and gain comfort from our ferret family, every single say.  Snuggling a ferret is often the first…


At least it doesn’t count as a sick day

We received a call early this morning, letting us know that school has been canceled due to bad weather. It's not like the boys were going to school anyway, but there's an upside here.  As a result of school being canceled, this won't count as an absence.  That's a good thing cause it helps keep those days limited, especially where Emmett's concerned.  While I haven't checked temperatures yet this morning, both boys seem to be feeling okay so far. I'm not hearing the coughing and hacking I've been hearing previously.  This bug seems to kinda come and go throughout the day. The boys may seem okay now but will be miserable later on. That's how this has played out so far.  Anyway, there won't be any therapy today as a…