Emmett’s running another fever tonight because what’s 1 more missed day of school 

Emmett spent the evening in the worst mood imaginable. He had a zero tolerance for everything. Several meltdowns were had in a relatively short period of time, with each one being as unpleasant as the next.  I decided to check Emmett's temperature and son of a bitch, he's running a fever. It's low grade and just under 101°F, but it's another piece of the puzzle.  Unfortunately, the school has a fever policy and anyone with a temperature of 99.5°F is sent home. They've bumped that up a little bit for Emmett but at the moment, he's still over the limit.  We've been suspecting for a few days now that he was hitting a fever flare, but the demeanor and fever pretty much confirm it now.  He has state testing tomorrow…


Too much of anything can be a bad tbing

The boys arrived home and seemed to have had a good time, which isn't surprising.  They didn't even make it in the door before they immediately began asking to play the Xbox. Lizze and I told them no because they literally just walked in the door. That didn't make them very happy...  I love video games and always have. It's a great way to decompress or escape for a little while but all in moderation. Too much of anything can be a bad thing.  We're gonna have to keep working on this. 


This is why I’m not doing so well today

The boys are spending the day with their Grandparents and I just woke up from my nap. I've been in pretty rough shape the last few days because my back has gone out.  I suffered a major back injury back in 2001 and it took the better part of twelve years to finally manage the pain.  I've been doing really well that past few years, mostly because I discovered that fitness walking helped tremendously.  I'm not sure what has happened but the pain is so bad, it takes my breath away. Walking isn't the fix all at the moment because when I try, my legs physically give out. It's one of those things where I step funny, and literally lose control of my lower body.  While this sucks, I'm not…


Impressive artwork by Emmett

The other day, Emmett brought this picture home from school. I guess he drew this during his free time and wanted to share it.  I'm impressed with this because he drew a 3D block and then drew it pulled apart, in 3D. That takes some insight into how to manipulate 3D objects and then draw them based on what he sees in his head. ☺ 


Has anyone faced this bizarre #sensory processing issue before? 

Recently, Emmett has been struggling a great deal more with eating. If you've followed our story for awhile, you might recall that we have an enormous challenge when it comes to Emmett and eating. He's extremely sensory oriented and struggles with things like food, clothes, noise and shitload of anxiety. The anxiety serves to make everything worse. Anyway, Emmett has a very small menu of foods he'll eat, and that makes it challenging to feed him. He's very sensitive to things like taste, smell, color, shape, packaging, presentation and imperfections. It's not uncommon for me to have to remake something a few times because something about it wasn't right. Recently, Emmett has begun saying things like, this doesn't taste right. The problem is, what doesn't taste right, happens to be…


New health concerns for 2 of my kids with #Autism 

I haven't had the energy to catch you up on a couple of things that are causing us to be concerned, in regards to the kids.  I'll start with Emmett because we learned something new about his fever disorder, while we were at the immunologist the other day.  She is the doctor that handles his fever disorder, as well as Gavin's Immunodeficiency, everyone's asthma and seasonal allergies. She also handles Elliott food allergies.  When it comes to Emmett's fever disorder, we have been chasing this thing since he was roughly a year old.  Fever cycles consist of many different and evolving symptoms. What we refer to as a flare up, presents with mouth sores, joints that are hot to the touch, massive mood swings and sometimes a fever. These symptoms…


How to get the technology needed to help keep your wandering kids with #Autism safe

It's Autism Awareness Month and one of the biggest concerns that Autism parents face is wandering. Children with Autism have a tendency to wander away from a position of safety, only to find themselves in danger. Unfortunately, these situations don't always end well and we know that the faster the intervention, the more likely we are to have a positive outcome. Having a child safely recovered is what matters most. Did you know that there is a foundation out there that wants to provide you with free Home Automation and Security technology to help prevent your child from wandering in the first place? To that end, I was to share a partnership I have built with an amazing company called Vivint Home. They have a charity division called Vivint Gives…


This morning has completely fallen apart

We're not off to the best start today. Unfortunately, most of us are not feeling well. By most of us, I mean everyone in my family with an active immune system. Ironically, Gavin is the the only one who's feeling fine.  In reality, that's a good thing because the last thing in the world we want is for Gavin to get sick.  Nobody went to school today and we're all just going to take it easy this morning and see if things improve.  In regards to Emmett, I actually suspect he's in a fever flare. This explains his demeanor and level of aggression this morning.  Lizze can barely move today because of the weather. We went from a much warmer trend to this.  As for myself, I'm exhausted beyond words.…