Shit….. School’s out for the summer and I’m sorta panicking 

I'm laying in bed tonight, realizing that after 3 PM this afternoon, the boys will be home all day, everyday, for the rest of the summer. Truth be told, I'd much rather have the boys home, than at school. Some might call me a masochist, but I just love having the boys around.  Having said that, I want to be very clear. I have no idea what we're going to do this summer, and I know that my kids will be driving me crazy inside their first week home. I have no illusions about that.  With Lizze in intensive outpatient therapy (DBT classes) for the entire summer, the boys and I will have quite a bit of guy time on our hands. We haven't had this much guy time since…

Read more about the article One of my favorite places in the world to visit
One of my favorite places in the world to be I've mentioned before that the boys and I frequently visit the Canton Garden Center. We. Go to get some exercise, look for painted rocks, catch some Pokémon, and take pictures. Sorta in the middle of the Garden Center is this giant metal butterfly. I'm not sure what it is that I like the most about this metal rhopalocera, but I just think it's really cool. I also appreciate the work that clearly went into creating this... #Autism, #Parenting,

One of my favorite places in the world to visit

One of my favorite places in the world to be I've mentioned before that the boys and I frequently visit the Canton Garden Center. We go to get some exercise, look for painted rocks, catch some Pokémon, and take pictures. Sorta in the middle of the Garden Center is this giant metal butterfly. I'm not sure what it is that I like the most about this metal rhopalocera, but I just think it's really cool. I also appreciate the work that clearly went into creating this...

Read more about the article The train that got in my way again today
The train that got in my way again today I've been driving the exact same way, back and forth to the kids school for a decade or more. I've never been stopped by this train more times than I have this year. In fact, I've hit this exact same situation more times this year than in all previous years combined. Either I'm just unlucky, or perhaps the schedule changed this year. Either way, it's super frustrating to seemingly constantly run into a train here, even when I arrive at the tracks at different times each day. #Autism, #Parenting, #photo, #SpecialNeedsParenting, #AutismSpectrum,

The train that got in my way again today

The train that got in my way again today I've been driving the exact same way, back and forth to the kids school for a decade or more. I've never been stopped by this train more times than I have this year. In fact, I've hit this exact same situation more times this year than in all previous years combined. Either I'm just unlucky, or perhaps the schedule changed this year. Either way, it's super frustrating to seemingly constantly run into a train here, even when I arrive at the tracks at different times each day.


Using the @VivintHome app to automatically make sure your doors are locked

While this will apply to anyone using a Vivint Smart Home, this is aimed at Auto families. As Autism parents, we very often have to go to great lengths to ensure the safety of our kids on the Spectrum. If you are one of the many families using the Vivint Smart Home system, provided to special needs families through The Vivint Gives Back Foundation, this video is for you. In this short, Family friendly video, I will show you how to setup a custom action that checks to make sure your exterior doors are locked at any given time. This is very useful if someone forgets to lock the door. The system will check the doors at the time specified, and lock any that are unlocked. Requirements for this to…

Read more about the article We had to make a pit stop after school
We had to make a pit stop after school I picked up Mr. Emmett today from school and he was really excited because he was able to bring him his karate ghee home. They get to keep their ghee at the end of the school year. It something the kids really think is cool. After school today, Emmett and I had to run a few errands before returning home. He needed a special snack because he went to school alone today (it was the only way I could get him to go), and we had to pick up a few essentials..

We had to make a pit stop after school

We had to make a pit stop after school I picked up Mr. Emmett today from school and he was really excited because he was able to bring him his karate ghee home. They get to keep their ghee at the end of the school year. It something the kids really think is cool. After school today, Emmett and I had to run a few errands before returning home. He needed a special snack because he went to school alone today (it was the only way I could get him to go), and we had to pick up a few essentials.. 😉

Read more about the article What took place in this picture was absolutely heartbreaking
What took place in this picture was absolutely heartbreaking At therapy tonight, Gavin wanted to bring us up to speed on his missions. It's important to understand that these missions are related to his Schizophrenic hallucinations, and done with a team that only he can see. It was heartbreaking to hear the depths of his delusions anymore. Dr. Pattie and I just looked at each other in disbelief when he was finished with his debriefing. He had talked nonstop for almost twenty-minutes, without taking a breath. It's gut wrenching to see where his mental health has taken him at this point. I wish there was something that we could do, besides love and care for him, but sadly, that's all we can do. I'm a fixer by nature and this is something that can never be fixed..

What took place in this picture was absolutely heartbreaking

What took place in this picture was absolutely heartbreaking. At therapy tonight, Gavin wanted to bring us up to speed on his missions. It's important to understand that these missions are related to his Schizophrenic hallucinations, and done with a team that only he can see. It was heartbreaking to hear the depths of his delusions anymore. Dr. Pattie and I just looked at each other in disbelief when he was finished with his debriefing. He had talked nonstop for almost twenty-minutes, without taking a breath. It's gut wrenching to see where his mental health has taken him at this point. I wish there was something that we could do, besides love and care for him, but sadly, that's all we can do. I'm a fixer by nature and this…


Guess who didn’t go to school this morning 

Just a quick update to let you all know that Elliott is home from school today. He's running a fever and not feeling well. Emmett did end up at school, but not without some serious convincing.  My Mom was kind enough to get Emmett to school, despite his efforts to stay home, because he didn't want to go alone.  Elliott's spent the day resting, and his fever is going down. Gavin's spent the entire day in his room, doing things with his team of super best friends. I guess there must have been many things to do in the Super Robot (Gavin's base of operations).  Lizze will be home shortly, in theory. There are some traffic things slowing that process down a bit.  I will pick up Emmett and bring…


Racism in America: This should NEVER be acceptable (NSFW) 

I came across this tonight and was really caught off guard. It shows that racism and hate are alive and well in today's America. There are some unpleasant and offensive words used in this video, but I sat down with my family and had them watch this with me. This past election seems to have made people with these ignorant views feel emboldened. They feel way too comfortable climbing out from underneath their rock, and spewing hate.  While this video is very ugly, I wanted my kids to experience this, and hear their thoughts. They were saddened by this woman's hateful speech and didn't understand why anyone would act this way. Lizze and I spoke with them about how this isn't okay, no matter who says it is. No one…