Alone Time

So the boys are at their mom and grandparents house for the night and I've had majority of the day to myself. I took the kids out to get their mom and grandmother something for Mother's Day. I'm really glad the kids got to go over for the holiday. Lizze and I will never be best friends but regardless, she will always be the mother of my children. That commands a certain level of respect that transcends things like divorce, disagreements, and pretty much anything else that life can hurl at us. I've said this a million times but you don't have to like or even be friends with your kids other parent, but you do need get along, and be a team, devoted to raising good humans. The kids…


How did Fergus’s first trip to the vet go?

I got lost in the day yesterday and forgot to update everyone in how Fergus's appointment went. This will be super quick because there's not much to tell. Basically, he's about 6 months old and not really underweight but needs to eat more. We're bumping him up to at least 2 cups of puppy chow for the next few months. Then we switch to adult food. He's clear of heartworms and got all his needed shots. The only problem is that he has a UTI. It's not like super bad but it's bad enough. We had no idea but he's now on antibiotics to clear that up. Apparently, we have to keep that area groomed in order to prevent future occurrences. I'm not sure how we're supposed to know if…


Someone went to the vet today

I woke up this morning already exhausted because I was up until 4am. Do you ever get that feeling that something is stuck in your esophagus after swallowing pills? That happened to me last night and I was quite uncomfortable and couldn't sleep. I started watching a show on Amazon Prime and a few hours later, I was finally able to fall asleep. Fergus goes to the vet this afternoon. I was able to get his records this morning, so hopefully, it won't be as expensive because we don't have to completely start over. The only other thing I have today is a meeting around dinner time. I was invited to do something that should help further grow the podcast. I'm kind of excited because this has potential to be…


Comfort Zone

It's been a rough four or five days but I've felt great all day today. By great I mean, not sick. I'm still tired and dealing with some insomnia but I didn't feel sick. I think I'm finally on the other side of this and while I wouldn't do this for shits and giggles, because it sucked, I would absolutely take the vaccine again, even knowing it would kick my ass three weeks later. I was kind of in a fog for some of this and I don't remember everything but I know without question, that I would do it all again if it were necessary. I had a really good day. I was able to get some writing done and that's awesome. I don't mean nonsensical stuff like this…


Letting Go

I tried writing this big elaborate post on letting go, but I can only get so far because it becomes overwhelming, and I get stuck. Instead, I want to keep this simple and talk briefly about something I'm going to be focusing on this week. I've been talking a lot about self-reflection lately. Recently I have begun taking a personal inventory and identifying things that I need/want to work on. This week, I'm focusing on letting go. Honestly, I'm no stranger to letting things go. My 17-year marriage ended two years ago, and I've learned to let that part of my life go. It's clearly for the best, and I've accepted that. I'm happier and in a far better place now. I'm grateful for it, but if I hadn't been…


I got tested for #COVID and here’s why

This is going to be super quick folks. I've been in pretty rough shape for the last 48 hours or so. It got so bad today that I went and got tested for COVID, just to be sure. It's been exactly 3 weeks since I had my second dose of the Moderna vaccine. The second day I was pretty miserable. Following that, I've been fine. The other day I woke up with back pain, a headache and that progressed to body aches, muscle pain, and I'm so exhausted. I didn't think much of it but it got really intense. I didn't sleep last night because I kept waking up in a cold sweat, I couldn't stay warm, or stop shaking. Motrin helped for a little while and I felt a…


This is the most deeply personal thing I’ve ever written

Tomorrow is never guaranteed. We're only ever guaranteed right now, in this moment. So often these moments get wasted. I'm guilty of doing that myself, far more often than I'd like to admit. I was thinking about this today and it hit me pretty hard. As humans, we tend to assume that we can say or do what needs said or done, tomorrow. The truth is, tomorrow is never guaranteed and there's no such thing as the perfect time. This is an older picture but it was captured while I was experiencing one of these moments. I've found that it's often easier to avoid or put off dealing with things, than it is to face them in the moment. I'm guilty of that myself. For some reason, I've been talking…


A Important Announcement

Doing what I do is very rewarding. Being able to help people and provide for my family is a true blessing. It's taken a lot of time, patience, energy, and sacrifice to build this platform. I'm very lucky and I know it. At the same time, there's a dark side to this that I don't often talk about. I tend to quietly deal with it because I've always just figured it was my fault for putting myself out there. The truth is, I have at least two online stalkers and I don't know what else to call them. The leave disgusting comments on the blog, you've probably seen them, messages on social media, and now they're creating social accounts in order to impersonate me. They're stealing pictures of my kids…

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