I’m more than the sum of my flaws

I'm sitting here today sorta going through the highlights of my last 43 years of life. I'm going to be very honest and say that my life feels like it's been a mixed bag, but I think that's how life is realistically supposed to be. There are highs and lows throughout this journey, and our job is to ride the waves. I feel like I've done that for the most part. So much has happened during my 42nd year and it's helped mold me into the man I currently am. I want to look back on some of the changes that have occurred in my life and remember the what those experiences have taught me. I'd even like to glance forward and see what 43 will have to offer. There…

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I think 43 going to be my best year yet

For those who don't know, I turn 43 years old on Tuesday of this week. I used to hate the idea of getting older because it scared me. I've since learned to embrace life in all its stages and live them to their fullest. Turning 43 isn't upsetting to me all and it feels good not to be dreading my birthday. In fact, 43 looks to be my best year ever and I'm excited for all the new adventures. Over the weekend, I went out to dinner for my birthday, and it was amazing. The kids are doing great being back at school and that's awesome. I don't really have any plans for Tuesday aside from sneaking in one last workout before my surgery on Wednesday. I'm a little nervous…

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Transitions Suck

I had a really early start to my day and it was totally worth it. Sometimes I need some motivation to get up earlier than I would otherwise, but I'm always glad I did. I want to start my days eariler whenever I can. That's a goal going forward. The school year has officially begun and we got off without a hitch. Both boys are masked and vaccinated. Please do the same as soon as it becomes available. Let's keep each other and our families safe. Starting a new school year isn't nearly as stressful as it once was but that doesn't mean it's stress free, because it's not.  As the kids have gotten older and gained more independence, I don't need to be as heavily involved as I…


Being a single parent is tough but I’m feeling accomplished today and here’s why

It's been a fantastic day and while it wasn't perfect, I feel like it definitely belongs in the win column. The rest of my labs finally came back in, everything is perfect, and I'm grateful. I wasn't really worried but I'm not a huge fan of the unknown. I saw my doctor this week and she was really proud of me. She says I'm going great and to keep it up. That felt really good because it's been a journey to get where I am. Don't get me wrong, I still have room for improvement, for for the moment I'm celebrating the victory. I spent the morning working on some freelance stuff and next weeks podcast episode. I think it will be next week anyway. I'm on somewhat of a…


I need to make some decisions this week

It looks like this week is going include some rushing around getting everything done for school that I should done already. Both the boys need new shoes and I think we're gonna take care of that today. I've gone through all of their clothes and I think we're okay for the moment. Sensory challenges make this so much harder, especially for Emmett. He is incredibly sensitive to things that touch his skin and he doesn't tolerate pants very well. He prefers shorts but he needs pants for the colder Ohio weather. It difficult to find pants that he will find comfortable enough to wear. Anyway, the point is, it's challenging and I'm grateful that I don't have to look for too much because it will be easier on him. I'm…


I get overwhelmed sometimes

There are times when I feel like a total failure. I've talked about before and I'm sure I'll be talking about it again in the future. I've been fighting this overwhelming feeling of being a failure recently. I know that I do the best I can but sometimes it's just not enough. I feel like I'm drowning in that feeling right now. I've been interviewed many times over the years and I'm always asked about what I find most difficult about being a special needs parent. My answer is always the same and it goes like this. One of the hardest things for me is that I wake up every single morning knowing that even on my very best day, I'm not enough. That sounds super depressing and frankly, it…


Close Enough

It's been a pretty decent day and I feel like I'm finally getting my footing again. I've picked up a few new clients and knocked out a bunch of work. I even snagged a few new influencer deals as well. It feels really good to make progress with the business. I'm working very hard to bulk up my passive revenue streams. Passive revenue streams are really important and I have a quite a few untapped opportunities that I'm going get the ball rolling on. Podcast guest slots are filling up, as are sponsors. There's a lot I want to talk about but my priority is COVID and vaccine education from experts in the field. I want to be part of the solution and help to protect those who can't protect…


How I’m getting the writing process restarted

I'm trying to get back into writing in a regular basis. It's a bit of a struggle so I'm going to just start off with some basics. I thought I would talk about some of the things I have going on right now and getting some things I'm trying to figure out. It's not super helpful but it does get the writing process going a bit. When I don't know what to do, I tend to fall back on what I do know. Here goes nothing. Today is going to be all about playing catchup with a few things I'm behind on. I need to finish getting some things together for the new school year. The boys need physicals by October so I need to get those scheduled now. I…