Homework on the table and pajamas at school

Everyone made it to school today, but we ended up having two small problems after the fact. Shortly after Lizze arrived home from dropping them off, we realized that Emmett's homework was on the table. In all the rush, it never made it into his folder. I know that his homework is his responsibility but Emmett's never forgotten his homework before and I know how he would end up reacting when he realized it was still at home. For that matter, I know what we went through last night trying to help him finish it, and I won't let that be in vain. I was able to email the homework to the school, and it wouldn't be a problem to get it to Emmett. While I was on the phone,…


He’s afraid to go back to school

Elliott is not able to sleep tonight because he too afraid to go back to school tomorrow. I've tried to reassure him but he's really stressed out after the day he had yesterday. I'm hoping he'll fall asleep because I want to go to sleep. I'm hoping that he'll feel better after some sleep and school won't be an issue today. He will be going to school with Adderall on board because we now know he's struggling without it. I'll be praying for my little man today.


Elliott came home from school sobbing

Elliott had what could only be classified as a bad day at school today. At dismissal, Elliott was escorted to the car by one of his teachers. Elliott was apparently upset and had clearly been crying. I don't like seeing that, and I immediately kick into protective mode, as most parents would. I also understand that things aren't always as they appear. The teacher was frustrated with Elliott, and I can understand that, as I find myself there on occasion as well. What I heard from the teacher sounded like Elliott but what I didn't like was the way it was presented to me in a public place, in front of Emmett and everyone else being dismissed. There was a tone that I didn't feel was appropriate when discussing the…


Sometimes change is good

There's been an unexpected change of plans today. I've had to reschedule the SSI appointment because I wake up not feeling well. I'm the only one that can take Gavin because I'm the payee. It also turns out that there is some paperwork that I didn't realize I needed that makes rescheduling the best thing to do anyway. I hate last minute changes in plans, but sometimes it's unavoidable. Sometimes it also proves to be the best possible thing. 😊


#Autism Parenting: The Transition to Adulthood has Begun

It's going to be a slightly stressful day today because I have to meet with social security in regards to Gavin. Part of this is merely a routine review, but the other part of it is going to be dealing with Gavin turning 18 and me retaining my payee status over his account. I'm not worried about Gavin qualifying because he qualifies. I've just never had to do this before. It's the first time we've had to have one of these meetings as they only happen every so many years. Hopefully, this will be done in under two hours because otherwise, I'll be late getting the kids from school. Meeting with social security is the first of many steps we will have to take because Gavin has turned 18. The…


So far, I’m pushing through the exhaustion

Work has been keeping me pretty busy lately. That's never a bad thing because anytime I can improve our financial status, it's a good thing. I haven't had much in the way of work this morning, which frankly is probably a good thing because I'm so tired. I do have myself a new writing buddy. Ruby sleeps on my lap while I write and I'm not sure if that helping or hurting.. ☺ While it's true that I want nothing more than to climb back into bed, I'm forcing myself to not only keep my activity level up but also workout as well. I even using the laundry to help me reach my flights of steps for today. The more I push through this exhaustion, the more I'm going to…


It seems Hell may just have frozen over

For the very first time in weeks, we had something happen that hasn't happened in a long time. That something is Gavin's Clozapine prescription being delivered on time. That's right, Gavin's seven day supply of Clozapine showed up on time. This is a big relief because his Clozapine is extremely time sensitive and he can't miss a single dose. He only gets seven days worth of pills at a time and this is a very dangerous medication. I'm really grateful that everything just clicked today and I definitely give credit to the pharmacy for making sure this happened. I'm hoping this is a sign of things to come... ☺


Rough morning

It was a relatively placid morning. We didn't push Emmett to wear his new pants and as a result, getting him ready for school was manageable. I know that this will not be possible forever but for right now, it's working, Elliott had a rough night and a really slow moving morning but was otherwise cooperative. I'm feeling absolutely exhausted and am struggling to get moving.