I wish I could do something to help him

The morning was rough. I didn't get nearly enough sleep because I was up with an Emmett who was in a great deal of pain. I let Lizze sleep and she let me sleep in, while she took Elliott to school. Teamwork... ☺ Emmett's in a good mood but at the same time, he's miserable because he wants to eat solid food. I looked at the sores on his lips this morning and it looks like there's another one popping up. I wish there was something that could be done but there isn't. This is one of those things that we don't know much about because it's incredibly rare and there's no research being done as a result. One of my readers brought up something called Magic Mouthwash. I think…


That doesn’t Bode well for the rest of us either

I totally thought Emmett there was a real chance that Emmett would be returning to school this morning. He seemed to be doing better-ish last night and I felt a surge of hope that this flare might be coming to an end. Unfortunately, Emmett woke up about 4 AM and was sobbing as he climbed into bed next to me. All I could get out of him was that his the sores in his mouth were throbbing. Apparently, he isn't doing even a little bit better. I I'm absolutely exhausted but I'm trying to make sure Emmett is as comfortable as possible so he could hopefully go back to sleep. It's going to be an extremely long day for all of us because he's miserable and that doesn't bode well…


#Autism + Haircut = MAJOR SUCKAGE

Elliott was feeling better this afternoon and I took advantage of that. He was desperately in need of a haircut and he was actually willing to get one. These opportunities don't come around very often because he hates getting his hair cut. Normally haircuts are a rather nightmarish event that leaves everyone stressed out and exhausted. It's a total sensory thing and a strong dislike of change. I wasn't sure how things were going to go but I'm pleased to say that Elliott did awesome. ☺ He never complained about having to get is hair cut short. His long hair was proving too much for him to maintain and we told him that we would have to cut it short if he couldn't maintain it. This is all typical teenage…


All I can do is what I feel in the moment, is best

It's been a pretty good day today. The boys seem to be doing better and I'm hoping that they can both return to school in the morning. Elliott's fever is gone and he's feeling fine now. I don't know what was going on this morning. I don't know how Emmett will be doing but he's still only able to do shakes and is avoiding all solid food. If he's still not eating, I don't see how he can go to school. This whole thing is so frustrating because all I can do is what I feel in the moment, is best. There's no instruction manual and very little in the way of guidance available to help us know what to do. 😱 At least they seem to be doing okay…


Please don’t get any worse

The boys are both home from school today. Emmett's par for the course with his fever flare and Elliott woke up the morning running a fever of 101.2°F and not feeling well. There's shit going around the school and it looks like it may have come home with Elliott. It's going to be a very, very long day. I'm hoping that whatever Elliott has goes away quickly and it doesn't spread through the house. That's the last thing we need right now.


Caring for an Autistic Child’s Hair

This is a collaborative post and may not reflect the views or opinions of this blog or its author.     Image source If you have an autistic child, cutting hair can be a struggle. In fact, simple hair brushing can often lead into screaming, meltdowns, hitting, biting, and behavior that quite frankly leaves you feeling exhausted. This is understandable, as most children with autism need environments whereby they feel they are in control, and a haircut is not one of those environments. So, how can you look at your child’s hair without WW3 breaking out? Here are some tips to help you get your child’s hair brushed, cut and cared for… Getting your child’s haircut without a meltdown occurring  So, let’s deal with getting your child’s haircut first and…


I’m so fricking tired of these impossible decisions

I get so frustrated and overwhelmed because there are so many impossible decisions that need to be made on what feels like a daily basis. What are impossible decisions? Impossible decisions are decisions that must be made knowing that there are no good options to choose from. At the risk of sounding cliché, it's damned if I do damned if I don't... Currently, we're trying to figure out a solution to all the problems surrounding the boy's education. I'm not going to go into those problems again right now, but if you're in need of a refresher, you can look here. I spent an hour tonight discussing options with the kid's education specialist/psychologist tonight during our regularly scheduled Tuesday night therapy session. The way I see it, we only have…

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#Autism Parenting: Picking the BEST of the WORST options

We have therapy for the boys tonight but Lizze isn't feeling well and she will probably stay behind. It will likely be the boys and I heading out tonight. Tonight's focus is going to be on school for Elliott and Emmett. We have to figure something out because while the boys like school, they're also miserable at the same time, albeit for different reasons. This needs to be a very serious discussion about our options. I'm hoping Lizze feels up to going but but if not, we've discussed it amongst ourselves already and have reached a consensus. We both agree that the status quo isn't in the best interest of the kids. What we do about it is where we become less sure of ourselves. At this point, I feel…