Do you ever feel like life has just kicked your ass?

It's been a long weekend and it's still not over yet cause there's no school today. There's not been anything catastrophic that's happened in the last few days but I feel like I had my ass kicked up one side of the road and down the other. Truthfully, Lizze and I are both on edge but there isn't one single thing that's responsible for our stress. It's a combination of things and it creates tension between us that we don't even realize is there until we have a disagreement. It's nothing major or even worth mentioning other than to illustrate how stress impacts us both. I know Gavin is wearing on me but so is everyday life. I'm absolutely exhausted, overwhelmed and truly feeling like life is kicking my ass.…


I desperately need a nap

I’m going to be straight with you guys because the only way I can help is to be honest and transparent. With that being said, Gavin’s driving me crazy. He’s requiring more and more effort as time goes on. I know that sounds bad but let me explain.


Feeling guilty because I’m frustrated with my Special Needs son

Today was full of ups and downs. If you know anything about being a special needs parent, you're likely aware that it's often a roller-coaster of emotions. Frankly, this is one of the reasons life is so hard because the ride never stops. Elliott and Emmett have been Elliott and Emmett all weekend. They're exhausting but we've managed thus far. When it comes to Gavin, that's a different story. He's really struggling and it's painfully apparent that life is not cutting him any slack. I'm going to be straight with you guys because the only way I can help is to be honest and transparent. With that being said, Gavin's driving me crazy. He's requiring more and more effort as time goes on. I know that sounds bad but let…


Being a Special Needs parent has been so heartbreaking recently

I write a great deal about being an Autism and Special Needs Parent. I've done this for close to a decade now and I don't plan on quiting anytime soon. There's a tremendous need for awareness and by sharing our story, it helps others to understand. One of the things I'm struggling with right now has to do with Gavin, my 18 year old with many serious Special Needs. His needs are both of the physical and emotional variety. The most pressing matter at the moment is in regards to his physical health. Gavin has several life threatening health problems and they are very consuming for me as a parent. Currently, Gavin has been having issues with his blood, more specifically, the cell counts in his blood. In a nutshell,…


Have you ever bathed a ferret?

It's been a few months since the last time we did this but it was high time to give the ferrets a bath. It's not recommended that you bathe a ferret more than a few times a year because doing so, can actually make them smell worse. Emmett and I took on the task of bathing all four of the ferrets, two at a time. Some of the ferrets really like the water and some of them don't. Lemme wanted nothing to do with it. Tiny, Zane and Charlie did quite well by comparison. The hardest and most painful part for me personally, was their claws. When they cooperated, it wasn't too bad but when they didn't want to play along, their claw ls were fucking sharp. Emmett and I…


5 Lifestyle Essentials To Try Out This Year

This is a contributed post and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of this blog or its author. If you’re someone that tends to get into a routine, then it’s safe to say that you like things to be constant in your life. However, as effective as being in a routine can be - especially when you really want to get things done - it can also be a bit restricting. Before long, you may start to feel as if your routine is making life a little stale. This is what tends to happen when you stick to the same things in life. And sometimes, you just need to be able to shake it all up. From your outlook to what you eat and even your grooming routine,…


Praying I wake up to good news

We never got Gavin's lab results and I'm struggling with that tonight. His numbers have gone from dangerously low to sort of okay and back to dangerous in a matter of days. There's a chance it was lab error but which one was in error? Was it the sorta better results or the dangerously low results? This is the question I've been asking myself since last week. The only way to have a better idea of which is accurate is to add more data to the equation. If these results come back and his numbers are low, we know that it's likely correct. If they come back sorta okay, we know that will likely be correct. The more data points we can add, the better picture we have of what's…


Whatever makes him smile

Things are looking good going into another four day weekend. Yup, that's right. Another four day weekend is upon us. Lizze isn't feeling well but it's because of the weather and fibromyalgia. Thank God we don't seem to have flu or anything like that going around. I don't mean to minimize what she's going through because she's absolutely miserable. I was just clarifing that it's nothing contagious. Fibromyalgia is a bitch and it's hard to wrap your brain around something that can't be seen or quantifed. I assure you, the pain is real, even if you can see it with your eyes. The boys and I are going to bathe the ferrets tonight and clean out their pen. Emmett's super excited because we have a new shampoo to use. Whatever…