How Pets Can Help Children with Autism

Image source - They say that a pet is man’s best friend, but they are so much more than this. For a child that has autism, a pet can change their life for the better. There have been numerous reports and studies that have investigated the benefits of bringing a pet into the family home if you have a child with autism. So, in this blog post, the advantages of this are going to be explored in further detail so that you can find out what a family cat, dog or any other animal your kid is drawn to, will bring out the best in them. So, what are the benefits of pets for children with autism? Socialisation  There is only one place to begin, and this is with…


I need your help. Please take a second and read this post

I've been working to raise awareness for people with Autism and their families for over a decade. I do so by sharing our story in a very open, honest and transparent way. I've also been providing a free support forum for families to join and seek comfort, guidance and advice from other people who've been there. While the My Autism Help Forums have been down since I moved to a new server. I've created a new, smaller, easier to use support forum and it can be found here. It's totally free and all you have to do is register to this blog to gain complete access. You can do that in the right side bar or the footer at the bottom of this page. Now comes the point where I…

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What our school is doing to limit the ability of someone to sneak a gun into the building

With the tragic rise in school shootings, I know that parents and students are worried about safety while inside the school shooting. Lizze and I are worried as well. It's really important that as parents, we find out what our schools are doing to keep our kids safe while they are in the school building. Don't make this anymore complicated than it needs to be. Be very direct, come straight out and ask what safety measures are being taken to ensure the safety of the kids in their care. This afternoon, there was an announcement sent out from our school administration, in regards to an immediate change they are making, in order to help ensure safety. The school is banning any and all backpacks, starting tomorrow. This will limit someone's…


Things are working out this morning

All signs point to being able to walk at the park today. I'm super excited to be able to do that. It's freakishly warm out and is perfect for walking. We've already finished two of the three appointments we have this morning and are currently waiting for the third to be done with. I want to get back into walking at least a few days a week and I'm can't wait to get started.


I love him but he’s driving me crazy

We're off to a good start this morning. The only downside is that the boys school clothes didn't dry overnight but we still have time. Gavin is really off this morning and I'm not sure what's going on with him. He's ready to go get his bloodwork done but I'm having to remind him to eat breakfast. If you know anything about Gavin is that he's extremely food motivated and never has to be reminded to eat. I need him to eat now because we won't be home again until lunchtime. I'm not in the mood to listen to him complain about being hungry, simply because he didn't eat breakfast. This is so weird because Gavin is very ridged and has to eat at certain times or he doesn't know…


I’m tired of being this way

I'm going to be quite busy this morning. The boys have to get to school, Gavin has to get his bloodwork done, and Lizze has two appointments to get to. All of this is before lunch time. My goal this week is to get my weightloss and return to wellness back on track. Honestly, I've never recovered from the holiday's and I desperately need to get back on track. Exercise is a critical part of managing my depression without medication and I fully intend on making this work. I'm tired of being overweight. I'm tired of being so easily winded. I'm tired of not being happy with the current condition my body is in. I used to body build and I've fallen so far from that. I don't want that…


He’s 18 years old on the outside but not on the inside

Gavin's having a rough time today. He's eighteen years old now but can't be treated or managed like a typical, freshly minted adult. Unfortunately, Gavin's cognitive ability is significantly lower than his chronological age. Until we have his new NeuroPsych testing done this summer, we won't know exactly how much he's regressed since the last time he was tested, but his doctors have pinned his emotional age at around eight or nine years of age. That's a ten year difference between his developmental age and his chronological age. As he gets older, it becomes more and more obvious that he is struggling. Today he was taking out the recycling (supervised of course) and his lack of ability to problem solve was on full display. We have recycling collected in a…

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Why it’s important for special needs parents to find something positive in each day

When you're a special needs parent, it's quite common to feel overwhelmed. If you did a keyword search in this blog, you'd find countless times I've used the word overwhelmed to describe how I'm feeling. Being overwhelmed isn't something that's easy to deal with because of its very nature. When I'm overwhelmed, I sorta feel like I'm being crushed under the weight of all that's going on in my life. In that moment, I'm unable to carry the weight and no longer able to even process anything. It's kinda like a computer bogging down because it's doing too much at one time. During these moments, it's not uncommon to feel a sense of dread or dispair. It's important that you not give into these feelings. It's hard for people to…

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