Poor kid is having an anxiety attack

Emmett woke up this morning and doesn't feel well. He's not sick, at least not physically sick. Emmett is a child who deals with anxiety and it can be debilitating at times. When he gets anxious, it tends to manifest physically, usually as a stomach ache. He's not physically ill but is experiencing physical symptoms. Make sense? Anyway, he's really stressed out over COVID and going to school in a pandemic. He's seeing his friends and teachers become infected. Thankfully, to my knowledge, everyone has recovered. Also, Emmett is fully vaccinated. The risk to him is minimal but not zero. He understands that but it's the not zero part that makes him anxious. He's feeling afraid for himself, his family, and everyone else. It's very clear to him that there…


Then and Now: When you first hear that your child is #autistic

It's been an amazing weekend. So much has taken place and some of them were milestones. First of all, Elliott went on went out on his first date. They met up at Comic-Con this weekend and spent the afternoon checking out all of the things to see. He gave me permission to share that but I'm gonna leave it at that. I'm so excited for him and I'm glad he had fun. It's a little bittersweet because I can see how fast he's growing up and that makes me a little sad. On the other hand, he went on his first date and I'm so proud of the young man he's becoming. This is an exciting time in his life and I couldn't be happier for him. On a purely…


Made a trip to Akron Children’s Hospital today

Haven't done one of these is forever. Elliott and Emmett both had well checks today at Akron Children's Hospital. This was basically playing a bit of catchup as a result of COVID. Elliott needed a physical for school this year and Emmett just needed a physical because it was time for him to have a physical. They did great and both boys needed vaccines. Emmett needed both HPV and flu, while Elliott just needed his flu shot. Emmett claimed that the HPV shot hurts worse than the flu shot. This was his second HPV dose, so he has experienced it before. I was calling bullshit on that claim so we put it to the test. The nurse didn't tell him which shot was which and Emmett was supposed to tell…


Learning from my parenting mistakes

I like to think that I'm always learning. I've talked about this incredible personal growth journey I've been on the last couple of years. I feel as though I've been learning so much about myself and who I really am. Maybe that sounds a bit weird but we fully embrace the weird in my house, so it's okay. While growing on a personal level, I'm discovering things that I like, dislike, or want to change about myself. This is true in various parts of my life, but for the purposes of this post, I'm going to be focusing on my parenting. Actually, I'm going to be talking about my parenting mistakes, one in particular that I'm currently working to address. For the last few years, my kids have basically owned…


On a side note

Okay. I've decided to try and send the boys to school in the morning. The school instituted a mandatory mask mandate last week so everyone will be masked. If they need to come home, they will be sent home. I don't know what else to do at this point. There's no fevers, just drainage which makes them cough. My day is fairly open so if I need to retrieve them, I can. I'll drop them off and then go workout. As long as I can squeeze that in, I'll be off to a good start. ☺ I mentioned I was feeling a bit out of sorts eariler. I'm feeling a good deal better now. I made productive use of my anxious energy this afternoon. I washed and put two coats…

Read more about the article Feeling a bit out of sorts lately

Feeling a bit out of sorts lately

I've been feeling a bit disconnected lately and it's got me in kind of a weird headspace. The kids have been sick for a week, which is stressful enough because they've missed a lot of school as a result. As I'm writing this, I can hear them both coughing in the living room and they're supposed to returning to school in the morning. It's nothing more than a cold or sinus thing but I know I would be upset if my kids came home from school as we're drowning in new COVID cases, telling me that there was a kid in their class coughing and hacking up a lung all day. I would be livid that this child was allowed to return to school. Ohio is back up to over…

Read more about the article It’s been 2 weeks since back surgery and here’s how I’m doing

It’s been 2 weeks since back surgery and here’s how I’m doing

It's been such a good day I almost don't know what to do with myself. I had my stitches removed on Tuesday night and as far as I can tell, I'm back up to 100%. I was able to do a 90 minute workout today for the first time since my surgery and it felt amazing. I have to play catchup a little bit because of the time off but I don't seem to have lost any of the gains I've made. I can't explain how good it feels to be off restriction and back to my old self. The boys have been home all week from school. They came home from their mom's house on Sunday not feeling well. It's just a cold but they aren't allowed at school…


Tips for apartment hunting special needs families

Special needs parents generally have a tremendous amount of responsibility on their plates at any given time. I've experienced a great deal of things over my two decades as a special needs parent and I try to share some of that here. People ask me questions all the time and sometimes those questions are such that I think it's worth writing a post about it. This particular question was in regards to house or apartment hunting when you have a special needs child. They specified the New York area and were specifically interested in locating an apartment. The concern was how to find something that met their unique needs as a growing special needs family, as well as what they should include in their thought process. I was thinking about…