Why family time is so important to me (25 pictures)

The other day I took the family to the Garden Center. It was relatively nice put and I want everyone to get used to being more active, especially as Spring approaches. Everyone had fun and I was able to take some pictures. Family time like this is so important because it helps us all to put aside what causes us distress, even for a little while, and live life without fear or reservation. Selfishly, I need moments like these because my life isn't easy. It's not even remotely easy on the best of days. When I place myself in situations like this, I find peace and can center myself, both of which makes me a better husband and father. I thought I would share some of the pictures I took…


I met with the principal after my son was stabbed several times with a sharpened pencil

While I was waiting to pick the kids up from school today, I made it a point to sit down with the principal and express my concerns in regards to Emmett being stabbed multiple times with a sharpened pencil yesterday. I know the kid responsible for this assault, for lack of a better word. He's not a bad kid and this is very much out of character for him. This is a school for kids with various special needs like Autism, ADHD and others. As an experienced Special Needs Parent, I know that there is probably more going in beneath the surface here, especially considering how out of character this behavior was for this kid. I don't believe this was maliciously done. It sounds like this kid was goofing around…


A down and dirty update

It's been a weird day and painful day. It was weird because of some of the things going on and painful because my back hurts like a motherfucker. I have to thank my amazing wife for stepping up and getting the kids to school this morning because I wasn't in a condition to drive. I'm moving around a little better as the day goes on but I feel like I'm being ripped in half and that's not an exaggeration. Anyway, Gavin is on his way to his grandparents house, where he's going to spend the night. He's super excited and has been looking forward to this all week. The timing is perfect because I have to drive Lizze to the Cleveland Clinic in the morning and we won't be home…

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My son was stabbed multiple times with a sharpened pencil at school today

I was waiting for the boys to be dismissed from school, as I do every day. About thirty minutes before dismissal, Emmett's teacher came out to let me know that one of his fellow classmates had stabbed him in the hand with a sharpened pencil. His teacher explained that this classmate was having a rough day and a difficult time controlling himself. I can can honestly understand that because I live with three kids that can have the same problems. This kid stabbed Emmett in the hand, shoulder, wrist, and leg with a sharpened pencil. His hand was the worst as the skin was broken and it bled. There is a pencil scratch on his wrist, as well as marks on his shoulder and leg. Emmett is okay but doesn't…


Important advice for new and experienced #Autism parents

Being an Autism parent is difficult, in every sense of the word. I have good days where I feel like we make forward progress and I'm filled with hope. I also have bad days where it can seem like moving forward is an impossible task and giving up is a reoccurring thought I can't get out of my head. Sometimes I have days that are somewhere in between. Something that I learned early on was the importance of being positive. Being positive doesn't mean that I sugar coat anything or try to see the things in my life through rose colored glasses. While that may put a more positive spin on things, it wouldn't be truthful and therefore unhelpful to anyone, including myself. In my experience, being positive means celebrating…

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My major back injury

I'm not doing so well today. You may recall that I suffered a serious back injury when I was working as paramedic. I never had the surgery to fix it but I've been doing pretty good the past few years. It flares up every once in awhile and lasts for a few days before I'm okay again. My back went out a few days ago but I don't remember doing anything that triggered it. I've been walking for the last few days because that's the only thing that has ever helped. It's been recommended that I see a chiropractor to help with my back. Walking has helped the muscle pain from all the compensation they've been doing to take the stress off my spine. That's a positive thing because I…

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Living with #Depression is a war, not just a battle

I wanted to take a few minutes and share what I consider to be a major milestone in how I'm managing my Depression. Depression has been a part of my life since my early teens and will likely be an indefinite part of my life. While Depression is a consistent part of my mental and emotional health, how I choose to manage it can change from time to time. The three most important parts of managing Depression involves therapy, medication (if needed) and exercise. Everyone is different but generally speaking, the three pronged approach tends to be the best fit for most people. I'm not like most people and things like talk therapy, have never really been that effective for me personally. My weapon of choice has been medication and…


The main way I’m coping with the stress of being an #Autism parent

One of the things I'm pushing myself to do right now is manage my stress in more natural ways. My life is so full of stress, there's times it hard to find room to breathe. What I'm trying to do is make the room for me to breathe and in doing so, give myself a better chance to cope with the things going in in my life. I always have things to worry about. Gavin's declining and thinking about where that is going to take us, scared the shit out of me. Emmett is dealing with this fever disorder, nightmares and whatever is causing these tummy aches. Elliott is an emotional train wreck right now. Autism, extreme anxiety and puberty are not being kind to him. Lizze is miserable most…