There are times as his father, I have to turn away and cry

Lizze and I had a fairly decent night to ourselves. The E's were at their Grandparents but Gavin was home. It's not really a night off, even with Gavin being the only one home. Gavin is becoming more and more difficult to manage. That wears heavily on us both physically and emotionally. It's physically exhausting because it's physically exhausting. It's emotionally exhausting because it's painful beyond my ability to articulate, seeing Gavin decline to the extent he has. Heartbreaking is probably a better word choice. Gavin is such a sweet kid but he's 18 years old and we have to seemingly micromanage his every move. We have to make sure he doesn't hurt himself doing something he shouldn't. We have to make sure that all the things that he doesn't…

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This is what happened at Emmett’s doctors appointment

I was reminded this morning that I never updated y'all on how Emmett's doctors appointment went on Tuesday. I'm still having bad days so things are slipping through the cracks and this was one of them. Anyway, on to the update. Emmett's been dealing with chronic tummyaches for a very long time. We've had him seen countless times, just to be sure all was okay, and it always is. That being said, the tummy aches are real and they're causing him to miss school. The down and dirty is that there aren't any obvious issues. He is scheduled to see his Gastroenterologist in late April but until then, we are trying a few things. One big thing we're doing is increasing his intake of water. Dehydration can easily cause complications…


We need to get caught up

I've been slacking in the update department recently and it's just because I'm struggling a bit still with the whole Paxil thing. It should be getting better in time, as most people feel better within a few weeks of stopping Paxil completely. For this particular update, I'm going to jump back in time a bit and revisit Wednesday night. Wednesday night found me both feeling and acting like a bad parent. I wasn't feeling well and had no patience. Both Elliott and Emmett were at each other's throats over somewhat petty things and I couldn't take it anymore. I lost my cool, raised my voice and may even have let a curse word fly as well. Not one of my prouder moments at all. I had to walk away because…


Proactive Parenting Tips

This is a collaborative post and therefore does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of this blog or its author. Become a parent is just amazing. Right from the moment, they’re born, you’ll never have felt a love stronger. Raising a child, however, is a different ball game. You’ll have so many learning curves along the way that’ll seem like an impossible journey. But the years fly by, and suddenly your little baby isn’t so little anymore. This is where a bit of proactive parenting is needed. Thinking on your feet to make sure you’re actively making the best decisions for your child, and you’re actively involved in all aspects of their life. Have a read on to find some great proactive parenting techniques. Schooling School is one of…


It’s been a really rough day and I’m praying for a better one tomorrow

As a special needs family, we are no stranger to bad days. Even our best days are exceptionally challenging. Today was not a good day for about a million reasons and I barely survived it. I'm hoping that things are better today and I can get us moving forward once again. I'll try and catch everyone up later on today when I'm feeling better. At the moment, I'm going to crash for the night because I'm physically and emotionally exhausted. I'm praying for a better day..


Getting kicked in the ass by withdrawal symptoms again

The last day or so, I've been feeling better. Tomorrow makes two full weeks since I took my last dose of Paxil. It's been a mixed bag of absolute misery and somewhat survivable. Yesterday I was doing really well and thought I was finally at the tail end of this shit but I was wrong. I've been struggling with emotions today and feeling nauseated. I don't want to eat anything or even think about eating anything. I was supposed to see my doctor on Tuesday but that got bumped because Emmett needed to see his pediatrician. Like I said, I was feeling better and I thought I was past it. With any luck, this is just a minor setback...


Emmett returned to school this morning

Just a quick update to share that Emmett made it back to school today. He missed all last week, as well as Monday and Tuesday of this week due to tummy aches. He's feeling better today and was super excited to return. It's easy to assume that Emmett is trying to manipulate his way out of school by claiming tummy aches. That couldn't be farther from the truth. Not a single person who actually knows Emmett in real life thinks that's what's happening. Emmett loves school and hates when he misses. At the same time, he's been miserable enough that he wanted to stay home and rest. He was really happy to be back today and frankly, we were happy to send him. There was talk of there being a…

Read more about the article I’ll never understand the postal service
I'll never understand the postal service. Rather than put this item with the rest of the oversized items that are sent to my PO Box, they decided to destroy it instead by cramming into the tiny square box that was way too small... Good thing there wasn't anything important in there.....but there was...

I’ll never understand the postal service

I'll never understand the postal service. Rather than put this item with the rest of the oversized items that are sent to my PO Box, they decided to destroy it instead by cramming into the tiny square box that was way too small... Good thing there wasn't anything important in there.....but unfortunately there was... 😡

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