Helping Your Child’s Night Terrors And Sinus Discomfort

This is a contributed post and therefore doesn't necessarily reflect the views or opinions of this blog.   It's one of the worst things a parent can go through, but it happens regularly. Any child can go through a very health issue that occurs during the night. If as a parent you don’t know what is going on with your child, it can be a scary experience. You can see and hear how uncomfortable they are but there’s no one illness or condition that you can accurately diagnose. You end up not wanting to close the door to their bedroom and go back to sleep. So staying up with them all through the night just to keep a constant eye on them in case their condition worsens, feels like the…


This is why we have to watch Gavin so closely around food

Gavin's not feeling so well. It began last night with him overeating at the cookout. Gavin has never been one with a functional ability to self-regulate. As an example, he doesn't ever really feel full when he eats. What happens is he will eat too much and end up making himself sick. He's been doing better over the last few years because we've been trying to create habits for him to help compensate for what his brain doesn't do correctly on its own. Unfortunately, we still have times where Gavin will eat and eat and eat, until he makes himself sick. Last night was a perfect example. When we're at home, it's much easier to monitor what he eats but when we're somewhere else, it's much more challenging. We dropped…


We had such a good time tonight

We had a really fun time with the whole family last night. We spent the evening celebrating Mother's Day with my parents and siblings. We haven't all been in the same place at the same time in a really long time. It was awesome. The boys did really well but sadly, Elliott wasn't feeling well at all. He was okay when we first got there but shortly after arriving, he began to not feel well. It's the same sore throat, headache and nasal drip thing he's been dealing with. It's been on and off for the last few days. If he's not feeling better by Monday, we'll get him into to see his doctor. I'm pretty sure this will have to runs its course but nothing wrong with erring on…


This isn’t good

I spoke previously about Gavin changing the way he takes his medication. I also shared how we suspect that the voices in his head are the ones telling him to do this because it wasn't us (see As if life wasn’t already hard enough, it seems the voices are back). We're seeing further evidence that the voices have returned. So far this afternoon, Gavin has come down from his room on the second floor because he swears we called him to come down. We haven't called him down and that leaves one of two possibilities. Either he just thinks he's hearing us and wants to double check or he's actually hearing us call him in his head, even though we aren't. Gavin is Schizophrenic and has been experiencing both audio…


As if life wasn’t already hard enough, it seems the voices are back

Last night, Gavin came downstairs after being in bed for a couple of hours, mumbling something about a glass of water and claiming to be wheezing. He was heavily sedated and that's not necessarily normal for him. With no changes having been made to his meds, there shouldn't be any change to the way they impact him. This morning, I mentioned to Lizze that something wasn't right last night and I wonder if he's taking his medication, specifically his Clozapine, correctly. We were prepared to write if off as a one off event and move on. Right about that time, Gavin came downstairs and I asked him about last night. As I suspected, he didn't really remember what happened. I then took the opportunity to ask him about whether or…


I’m getting sick again

Today's been rough for me because I've been getting sick again. By sick, I simply mean very nauseated when I eat and unfortunately, I still have to eat. This has only been a problem since discontinuing Paxil in January. While today sucked, my days do seem to be getting better. I just wrote a post about how well I was doing because it'd been a week since I had gotten sick. Sure enough, a day or so later, I start getting sick again. I need to keep my mouth shut from now on. I'm hoping to sleep this off tonight and I'll just keep my intake on the lighter side of not eating much. It sorta sounds funny but that's actually what I'll have to do. I just have to…


If you worry about #Autism related wandering, we can help

Over the years, there have been a few areas in regards to Autism parenting, that have really become personal for me. Wandering is among the most important of them. As a father of 3 boys with Autism, I count myself truly lucky that we haven't had to deal with wandering, any more than we have. I've shared on a few occasions, how Gavin managed to let himself out of the house at least twice. We found him collecting recycling out of people's trash cans. I don't think Emmett ever successfully escaped but my goodness, he was determined to. I was able to snap this picture when he was younger. It shows the lengths he would go to let himself out of the house. This is no joke. I think he…


My plans for the day have been scuttled

Unfortunately, my original plans for the day have been scuttled. I ended up getting sick after eating breakfast and it really kicked in while I was waiting for Gavin to have his bloodwork done. I made it home and went to bed for a little while. I woke up just in time to answer a call from my friend David Cannington, co-founder of Nuheara. They are the creators of the amazing IQbuds. While I can't share the contents of the conversation, I can share that it was interrupted by a call from the school. Apparently, Elliott wasn't feeling well and needed to come home. I had to excuse myself from the conversation and go retrieve Elliott from the school. Thankfully, Elliott's not pukie sick. Puking makes everything worse. He seems…