Why his lack of awareness creates problems

Gavin is struggling a bit more than usual today. He's never really been acutely aware of what's going on around him but he's absolutely oblivious right now. I don't know that there's anything going on today that's really out of the ordinary. There's nothing external to Gavin that seems to be causing him any distress or anything like that. It's important to understand that Gavin's not even aware that he's doing anything problematic because he's not doing any of this on purpose. He's just being himself and going right along with his day. The problem that his lack of awareness means we have to be ever vigilant. I was boiling water on the stove this afternoon and had to make sure that Gavin didn't touch or bump into the pot…


It’s been a great morning, even though it’s a Monday

We made it to and from the Hartville Farmers Market this morning without any problems. I pulled out roughly $50 and I feel like we cleaned up. For $50, we got the following: A flat of strawberries A flat of blackberries 3 lbs cherries 5 lbs of sweet potatos 5 lbs of peaches 8 lbs of Gala apples 3 mangos Block of head cheese I think this was a pretty good haul. There's something for everyone and if we do this every Monday, hopefully we will be able to keep the kids eating healthier. ☺


The Big Little Brother

I wanted to talk about something that's becoming an issue and will likely only continue to be an issue going forward. I should probably clarify that when I say issue, I'm referring to more of a challenge we're facing. When Gavin was little, it was pretty easy to miss the fact that he was different than most other kids. I don't mean different in a bad way either, just different. Gavin stopped emotionally maturing about the age of six or seven. Until that point in time, his chronological and emotional ages stacked up nicely. Unfortunately, as he's grown up physically, he's never caught up emotionally and so we have a Gavin that has the body of an eighteen year old but the mind of a six year old. It's now…


I took the boys and the dog on a hike today

This afternoon I took the boys and Ruby to the park. We ended up going on a hike that took us about two miles. Lizze is battling the same migraine she's had for about 7ish years now. It's been a rough weekend for her and so we let her sleep. We learned one big thing along the way and that's Ruby definitely need some work when it comes to walking on the leash. Maybe I should consider getting one of these for our next hike? Lol


Helping Your Children with #Autism Thrive

This is a contributed post and therefore does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the blog or its author. As a parent of an Autistic child, I often think about the ways as a parent I can help them thrive and live a happy and fulfilled life. In some cases, it is exactly the same as any other parent would be for their children, but sometimes I feel there are added ways we can help children with autism that may not seem such a big deal in normal circumstances. I wanted to share with you some of the ways you can help your children with autism thrive on a day to day basis, and even if your children are not, they can still help you to raise well…


Why it was such an awesome day

I wanted to share with you all why this week had such an amazing ending. I've already shared one of these things but in case you missed it, check out the video below. https://youtu.be/3FRvByjO81A What follows are just a couple things that really made me feel good and helped to end the week with a bang, in a good way of course. ☺ When I dropped the boys off at school on Friday morning, I was able to get a selfie with them before they existed the car. Elliott was a bit less cooperative but that's already. He still made it into the picture. ☺ Lately it seems that our mornings are so stressful, we don't even think about doing things like this. It's just get the kids to school…


We had an UNBELIEVABLE surprise today (Must See)

It's been an amazing day and I'll go into more detail tomorrow. I'm not feeling well at the moment and I'm going to try to go to bed early. I put together a quick video, showing you guys the martial arts promotion from today. I'm not going to ruin the surprise but what happened at the end of Emmett's promotion literally had me in tears. It was an amazing surprise and I can't wait to share it with you guys. We're so proud of both Elliott and Emmett. They've worked so hard this year, both inside and outside of the dojo. This was the most amazing day I can remember having in a very long time. I'm so proud... ☺ 💙 https://youtu.be/3FRvByjO81A