I totally kicked ass this week

I don't often pat myself on the back but I'm gonna do that tonight because I'm really proud of myself. I've spent the last two days working on the living room and I've made a good bit of progress. Yesterday I repainted the ceiling, which took some time. Cutting the ceiling in felt like it took forever but I worked straight though until it was done. I used a fourteen inch roller and two costed the ceiling and it looks amazing. By the time I finished with everything, I had lost the natural light and couldn't go any further. This morning I began prepping all the trim (base-boards, door casing, windows, window casing, and front door). It took forever but it turned out great. I recaulked almost everything, which is…

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Recognizing that I have adult #ADHD is absolutely changing my life

I wanted to take a second and say thank you to everyone in my life who is supporting me as I explore an adult ADHD diagnosis. I've spent so long exhausted, beating myself up, and being stuck because I didn't recognize what the problem was. The more research I do, the more I realize that what I thought was depression was at least partly ADHD. I've been on this journey silently for a couple of months now and have only recently began to explore it. I've written about my suspicions vaguely but I had a lengthy, detailed conversation about it with those closest to me over the last couple of days. I've been reading everything I can find on adult ADHD and talking to some of my closest friends who…


A few reasons why your #autistic child may be having #meltdowns after school?

A mom from one of my autism parenting support groups asked why her autistic son has meltdowns after school. This was a really good question and I wanted to share my answer here. If you're following me on IG, you may have already seen this. There could be a million reasons but I wanted to share some insight into why this may be happening. I think we, as parents, can underestimate how challenging it can be for our kids just to make it through the school day. School is not sensory friendly and there's a great deal of expectation during the school day. Simply put, school can be incredibly overwhelming for our kiddos on the spectrum and the fact they hold it together as well as they do is quite…


Yesterday was frustrating

It's yet another snow day this week. This time for extreme cold. This complicates my day a little but I'm going to make it work. The kids are of course thrilled, that school is canceled, as I would have been at their age. I don't necessarily mind the school being closed, but I'm trying to take care of a ton of things right now, and the kids being home is a distraction. I'm recording my second interview of the new season today. This year I'm going to be putting some focus on connecting parents with services that can be of benefit to their families, especially in the advent of COVID. Afterwards, I'm go to continue making drywall repairs to the living room in preparation for painting next weekend. The kids…


Because you asked: “Is it with autism or autistic?”

While I haven't really been able to share these here until now, I've been working on a new project. I'm answering your autism parenting related questions in a 30 second video clip and posting it on Facebook. I'm excited to be able to start sharing things here as well. I'd love to get your feedback either in the comments below or by following the link to the actual reel and leaving your thoughts there. Please feel free to leave me your questions and I'll do my best to answer them as honestly as possible.


This is going over better than I thought

Work has been picking up quite a bit this year and it's keeping me busy. I feel good about the direction things are going in. At the same time, I'm still actively looking for other options, at least on a part time basis. As much as I love what I do, I'm finally in a place where I can persue work outside of the home. I'm not going to die on this hill of self-employment if it's not going to afford me the resources I need to better plan for the future. For the moment, I'm embracing the positive changes but still looking for better opportunities. Anyway, I'm in a fantastic mood this morning. Both kids are at school, the house is quiet, and I'm mostly dug out from the…


We hit a really big milestone

We had a really good weekend and even though the school week is already out of whack due to the holiday and our current brush with snowmageddon, I feel like I totally got this. I'm going to keep this brief but I feel like this is too important not to mention and if you're a special needs parent, you might be able to relate to my level of excitement right now. Put simply, Emmett had his first sleep over at a friend's house the other night. He spends the night at his mom's house, my parent's house, and his aunt's/uncle's houses but this was different. He's never spent the night at a friend's house before. There have been opportunities but he wasn't comfortable. This was kinda spur of the moment…


I have no right to complain but sometimes I wish life was a little easier

Sometimes I wish life was easier. I totally get that so many people out there have it worse, but sometimes my life is a lot for me to try an manage. I'm grateful for everything I have and while it's far from perfect, it's my life, and I love it. That doesn't mean I don't wish things could be a bit easier from time to time. This week has been challenging for a few reasons and while I've weathered it for the most part, it's taken me down a few notches. I'm tired and overwhelmed. At the same time, I've also been productive and slightly more focused. I still haven't spoken with my doctor about my ADHD concerns, and I'm not sure why. I've spoken privately with some of you…

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