Another Day Another Routine Disruption

The boys got off to school after a rough start to the day. They were at each other's throats before they were even dressed for the day. That said, they made it to school, albeit a bit later than normal but in a good mood. I got my morning walk done and was just settling in to get some writing when Lizze noticed a problem with Ruby. Ruby was fixed about a week ago and has been sedated and living in her kennel, with her cone of shame because she's just too crazy. Unless she's physically in our lap, she's too hyper and she's not allowed to be until next week. It appears that she's popped at least several stiches and there's been some recent bleeding. It also looks like…


How I deal with bad days like today

One of the things Autism parents have to frequently deal with is bad days. Good lord, I have plenty of those and I'm sure many of you can relate to that as well. If you can't, please share your secrets to life because I could definitely use them. 😉 While I won't go into my day, mostly cause I've already written about (see here), I do think it's important that share how I'm cooing with it. Some bad days are worse than others. Today was somewhere in the middle but it really got under my skin and I feel like I wasn't coping well. I was just sorta festering and that's never a good thing. I don't think I noticed it as much at first because I was going nonstop,…

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You will not believe how my morning has gone

This morning has been a fricking nightmare. Lizze is sick and I had way too mich to do before lunchtime. It's picture day and of course, for the first time ever, the boys wanted to dress up for their pictures. Unfortunately, Emmett couldn't find his clip-on tie. He was in a panic and I told him I would call the school and figure out what time his pictures were at. If there was time, I would run and get him a new one. That was enough to defuse that ticking time bomb. Luckily, we had some time. I dropped the boys off at school and ran to Walmart, who didn't even carry ties for kids. WTF is up with that Walmart? Then I headed all the way to the other…


Man, It’s Been A Rough Day

It's been a rough day for my Autism family. Lizze had a difficult time because she recently lost her grandmother and today was her grandmother's birthday. She's feeling a great deal of grief and to make things even worse, she's also getting sick. 😔 I was able to go walking this morning and that was awesome. There were a couple mishaps and you can check that out for yourself below. . @StarkParks, you might want to look into this. It's happening to every single person who walks the track at Stadium Park.. I know it's just trying to protect its home but kids are walking here and someone is going to get hurt.. Can we humanely relocate this family? — Rob Gorski (@The_Autism_Dad) April 1, 2019 After getting back…


The 800 Pound Gorilla

In this very brief, last-minute episode, I share my thoughts on Autism Speaks “Light It Up Blue” campaign. I talk about how Autism Awareness month has lost its meaning and I give you some ideas on how you can help raise awareness in ways that make a difference in peoples lives. Autism Awareness Month should be about people and not money.


I’m excited about today

I'm super excited to start the week, even though that means taking on a Monday. The boys are going back to school and I'm going walking. ☺ I did pretty good in March, especially considering I took a week and a half off during my recovery. I feel pretty good about that. Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting things back on track. We have a busy week a head of us as well, and we have a couple trips to Cleveland towards the end of the week. Hope you folks are on the receiving end of good things today. ☺


Major medication changes and the impact they have on my family

I've got a laundry list of medication related updates for you all tonight. We're going to briefly talk about myself, Lizze and Gavin because we've all had very recent changes to medication. Me It makes sense to begin with me, as I'm pretty straightforward. As I mentioned just prior to my oral surgery a little over a week ago, I've decided that I need more help with my depression than I'm currently getting. This help comes in the form of additional medication. I'm not super excited about starting a new medication but I refuse to allow depression to control my life and influence my ability to be a good husband/father. Just so we're clear, I'm not saying that if you're depressed, you can't be a good parent, spouse or partner…


Surgery didn’t go how I expected and neither did my recovery

Just a quick update as to how I'm recovering from oral surgery a week ago. I'll keep this brief, I promise. Last week I had three wisdom teeth removed. I was pretty freaked out about it in the weeks and days leading up to the surgery. I'm pretty sure I drove my wife nuts. Anyway, the surgery was actually a breeze and recovery has been going well. I haven't been in any pain that higher dose motrin couldn't address. I still have most of my pain meds because they simply weren't necessary. The only discomfort I've been in is where the tooth that was impacted had to be dug out. That's still healing and probably will be for a little while. There's good size hole going straight back and it…