Tips for helping your autistic kiddo transition into summer
My friend Mitch Leppicello, LICSW, has 30 years of experience with autistic kids and their families. He's here to share some tips for managing the transition to summer.
My friend Mitch Leppicello, LICSW, has 30 years of experience with autistic kids and their families. He's here to share some tips for managing the transition to summer.
I took the kids hiking tonight. It was our first hike of the summer and we kept it simple. Something that I enjoy doing is asking the kids to take pictures with their photos while we're exploring. Elliott and Emmett are very interested in photography and I'm trying to foster that a bit. Gavin has no interest but I'm encouraging him to step outside his comfort zone. Today was no exception. I asked the kids to please take four pictures while we were out, and send them to me. Here's what I got. Note, Emmett and Elliott like to edit their photos, and Gavin sent me two instead of four. Lol The reason I like doing this is because it's so interesting to see how they see their world. This…
I know, this is the weirdest title ever but I promise it'll make sense. I've been an autism parent for almost two decades and I know how easy it can be to lose hope, especially when things are really challenging. We all need reminders from time to time and that's okay. encourage you all to find a memory that can act as a touchstone. When things get rough, you can focus on that memory and it will help keep you moving forward. These memories can be anything and it doesn't have to make sense to anyone else. We all have something like this in our lives, and mine is scrambled eggs. I know that sounds a bit odd but let me explain. You all know my oldest son, Gavin. If…
Emmett and Gavin are at their Mom's for the weekend. We've been dealing with a few obstacles in regards to visits and I wasn't sure they would want to go or not. I'm really glad that we've navigated some of these things and they were comfortable moving forward. Sometimes navigating these things can be very challenging but it's all part of life. Well, it's all part of divorced life anyway. Elliott on the other hand is not in the same place as his brothers so he stayed home, and that's okay. I had quite a bit of work that needed to get done and some invoicing as well. I'd say I managed to complete about 70% of what I needed to get done. I feel pretty good about that. Feeling…
It's been such a really good week. My stress level is relatively manageable, either that or I'm coping better. Either way, it's a win. So much has happened over the last seven days, I'm not even sure where to begin. I guess I'll just start somewhere. There's been a few new beginning this week. Elliott started his first job, and so far it's going great. He seems to really like it, but he's not used to it yet, so at the end of the day he's exhausted. I also started my new consulting gig. Actually, I started both of the new consulting gigs this week, and I love'em both. I've made some new connections, and it's all good in the business department. The other day, I drove Gavin, and Emmett…
I've had a really good day today. I re-entered the land of people who practice self-care and that feels so good. Basically, I went back to the gym after a month long hiatus. Working out is such a positive thing for me, both emotionally and physically. I wasn't making it a priority in my life and I wanted to change that today. When I got home from working out, I felt really good. I had a smoothie and hung out with Gavin and Ruby for a bit. Gavin was lost in a game and Ruby has the deer in the headlights look on her face. Lol The boys seemed to have a good day as well. Gavin got his new glasses. Huge thanks to his grandparents for spearheading that for…
It's been a minute since I've been here. Life is taking me in multiple directions and to be completely honest, I've been struggling. So much has happened over the last few weeks. There's been joy, heartache, victories, COVID, setbacks, and even major milestones. Objectively speaking, life in my house of autism is going well. We had our first battle with COVID since the pandemic began. Elliott, Emmett, and I all experienced mild, allergy-like symptoms for a week or so. Elliott is the only one to actually tested positive for COVID, and Gavin was the only one who didn't appear to be affected. Thankfully, we're all out of quarantine. Elliott missed the last two weeks of the school year because he kept testing positive but everything worked out, and most importantly,…
At the end of April, I drove to Greenville, South Carolina. They invited me to attend and promote The National Converge Autism Summit, put on by Springbrook Autism Behavioral Health. This was the first time I agreed to attend anything like this before, especially in person. It's been a few weeks, and the dust has settled. I wanted to share how the trip went, and talk a little about my first experience of attending a conference. First, my purpose for being there was to promote the conference. That included documenting my experiences, sharing on social media, and interviewing the keynote speakers. This was a great opportunity to grow professionally, and I took full advantage. It's not every day that I get a chance to sit down with Temple Grandin and…