I’m trying to focus on doing better

Today was pretty rough. I spent a good chunk of it sleeping. It's been body aches, headaches, nausea, cold sweats, and of course, my personal favorite, extreme exhaustion. I haven't eaten much today and I've been trying to stay hydrated as best I can. I ended up mowing the lawn this evening and I definitely regret that decision. It was so hot but the yard was only going to get longer. It's supposed to storm tonight and I wanted to try and push myself to get it done. Not one of my better decisions, if I'm being honest. Emmett and I also took the dogs around the block a couple of times before I called it quits for the day. It wasn't a super long walk but I want to…


It’s not my responsibility to make sure that other people do their job

I'm starting to feel kinda miserable. It's been about 14 hours since my second booster and I'm definitely feeling it. I don't mind the sore arm, and headache, but the exhaustion is the worst. I was already exhausted and now I'm even more so. I crashed for a couple hours before dinner because I just couldn't keep my eyes open. Despite how I'm feeling, I did manage to make progress in regards to Gavin's social security name change. I was able to get a certified copy of his adoption paperwork, as well as, his birth certificate. I just need to finish filling out the paperwork and then drop it off at the local social security office. They've assured me that they will take it from there. I'm going to assume…


The next few days are gonna suck but it’s worth it

I have a few minutes before I head out to get my second COVID booster. Elliott got off to work without a problem and I'm hoping that this round of side effects doesn't hit me too hard. Gavin is going to be scheduled for his as well but not today. Covid is getting bad again and the best weapon I have to keep my loved ones safe if the vaccine. I feel good about getting my forth dose and I'm not worried about it. I'll be fine after a few days and my schedule is pretty light this week, so it works out. I have a meeting this morning and should be able to crash after that if need be. My goal today is to make further progress on Gavin's…

Read more about the article We had a really bad night

We had a really bad night

It's 3am and I'm still awake because the boys are struggling after a brief visit with their mom. Elliott managed to fall asleep, but Emmett had a nightmare, and refuses to go back to bed for fear it's going to happen again. Then of course, there's Gavin. Poor Gavin had a particularly bad night. He came home and immersed himself in video games. That's not unusual for him but tonight he became frustrated, punched his phone, and shattered the screen. He became so angry with himself and it just spiraled from there. He went from being upset about the same things his brothers were upset about some things that to raging about how angry he is was me for destroying his life. He actually used those words. In the almost…


The gentle giant

It's been another long day for me but I'm doing okay. I didn't accomplish anything today but I'm not going to beat myself up. I took a long nap today, which was desperately needed, so there's that I suppose. A bit of selfcare. Yesterday, the boys and I drove to Toledo Ohio to pick up a dog that needed a new home. I've been thinking about doing this for a little while, but haven't. We miss Maggie tremendously and while we love Ruby, it's just not the same as having a big dog. I felt like it was time and while we can never replace Maggie, I do know what we were looking for. I was lucky enough to find it. We drove five hours, round trip, to bring this…

Read more about the article I’ve discovered plant therapy and it’s amazing

I’ve discovered plant therapy and it’s amazing

It's been a really long week but I have accomplished at least some of what I set out to accomplish. That's something. Yesterday, I sorta spent the day immersed in plant therapy. Emmett and I spent some time at Petitti Garden Center. It's one of the three dangerous stores for me to visit when I'm feeling depressed. It goes Best Buy, Petitti, and Home Depot. They're dangerous because I can always find something I need. All I needed was potting soil because I was potting my recently transplanted ferns. They started dying outside and I've been saving them one by one. I dig them up and plant them in a pot. All the potted ones are doing great, but I ran out of potting soil, Emmett also wanted a cactus.…

Read more about the article I went to bed feeling like I was a decent Dad last night

I went to bed feeling like I was a decent Dad last night

I'm really trying to push through all this shit today. Sometimes I feel like I'm doing okay and other times I feel like I'm broken. I've been really focused on work lately because I'm getting slammed, which is good but it's also painfully obvious that I'm a one man operation. My goal right now is continued growth and meeting the needs of the community. I've been going back and forth over the best ways to do that. After a good bit of thought, I've made the decision to add a second episode each week, and I know what you're thinking. Rob, why would you add more work for yourself when you're already spread too thin? Great question. The second episode is less than 10 minutes long and I'm answering listener…


The truth is I’m really struggling right now

It's been a minute since I've written anything. While this is the part where I usually apologize for that, I'm not going to do that anymore. The reason is because it ends up feeding this insane level of guilt that I feel for not writing and I need to stop that. The truth is that I'm struggling a bit right now. Honestly, I'm struggling more than a bit right now. I don't know why I try to downplay it. I want to try and explain what I'm experiencing, as it might help someone else out there feel a little less alone. I feel like I'm spread way too thin. The reality is that in some ways, I probably am, while in others, maybe not so much. I know that sounds…