4 Tips To Help Your Autistic Child Vote

I've recently helped my adult autistic son exercise his right to vote. I recorded a short podcast episode about this journey, and it's embedded below. I wanted to follow up with some practical tips that helped me to ensure my son was able to vote in this election cycle. Everyone's situation is different, but if your son or daughter is of age and they wish to partake in democracy, this might be helpful. It's important to remember that people with disabilities, including autism, have the right to vote. However, voting can be a complicated process, and some people with autism may need assistance to exercise their right to vote. Register to Vote The first step in the voting process is registering to vote. In most states, this can be done…


The Importance of “Me Time” for Parents

Being a parent is one of the most rewarding experiences a person can have. But it's also one of the most challenging. Sometimes it can feel like you're constantly giving and never getting anything in return. That's why it's so important for parents to make time for themselves. My Most Recent "Me Time" Story This weekend, the boys spent some time with their grandma. They love spending time with their grandparents. While they were out living their best lives yesterday, I got some much-needed me time.I went on my own little adventure and was able to put back into myself. Even better, I no longer feel guilty about taking time for myself or for building my own life outside of just being a Dad. I spent some time out in…


The Power of Hindsight

We've all been there. We look back on a situation, and we think to ourselves, "If only I had known then what I know now." It's called the power of hindsight, and it's a very real phenomenon. Sometimes we make decisions based on the information we have at the time, and later we realize that we could have made a better decision if we had known more. This is something I've been thinking about a lot lately in relation to my kids. When they were younger, I made many decisions based on their autism/ADHD diagnosis. There was a great deal of trying to figure out how to hold my kids accountable. It's a difficult thing to navigate because I wasn't always sure what was within their control and what was…


Talking to Your Kids About Autism: What You Need to Know

If you're a parent, chances are you've already had or will be having difficult conversations with your kids. It's part of being a parent, and we all go through this, especially if we're parenting to kid with autism.. What happens when it's time to talk to your kids about autism? How do you even begin to talk to your kids about something as complex as autism? Maybe they've recently been diagnosed themselves and have questions. Perhaps there's someone in their life who's autistic? Whether it's a friend, a classmate, or a family member, here are some tips on how to approach the topic. Please remember that this is just my opinion based on my experience. Everyone's situation is different, and there is no one size fits all approach to this.…

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It’s a process

This journey through life has taken us to some dark places. I want you to know that there is light on the other side. Here's some of our story and why you shoukd never give up.


Major Life Progress

So much has happened over the last couple of weeks, and blog posts haven't been one of them. lol I feel like my life is coming together, and while it's taken some time to get here, I've finally arrived. I wanted to share a few things and get everyone caught up. Once again, I'm going to be attempting to set aside time each day to write. I'm not sure how it will go, but I'm putting in the effort. So first and foremost, the boys have found a new school, and they are doing well. It's been a couple of weeks, and I feel good about everything. This was a total team effort, and I had help. I was overwhelmed by everything and was struggling to find a path forward.…


A conversation with Sarah Kimmel from Family Tech

I just had a great conversation with Sarah Kimmel from Family Tech about technology that benefits the special needs community. Sarah does a great job of educating the masses on all things tech, how to best utilize it, and how to keep our kids safe. This was a really cool conversation and I'm sure it's going to help parents out there. ☺ Here's the playback of our live conversation and be sure to check out her website, linked above. ☺ https://youtu.be/SnOMn-Ne-1s