Gavin’s got me really worried tonight and here’s why

The fact that I'm worried about Gavin, shouldn't be too surprising to anyone. When it comes to Gavin, there's so much to worry about and very little that can actually be done.   What I'm about to share is just the latest concerning thing he's done.  Tonight while he was brushing his teeth, he got the sink all messy and was just going to leave it that way.     I looked at him and asked him if he was going to leave the sink like that? I sorta got the deer in the headlights stare before he apologized and tried to rinse the sink out.  Why is that concerning you may be asking? It seems likes a perfectly reasonable response, I know.  It's not what he said that worries me but…


OMG it’s going to be crazy busy today

Today is going to start the week off with a bang. There is so much going on today and unfortunately, not all of it's local. Everything has to run flawlessly in the morning in order for this all to happen but I bet we could weather a few little bumps along the way, just nothing major.  I have to get Elliott to school in the morning and head directly to my parents house.  No, I'm not meeting anyone to walk the track. I wish though... 😩    Gavin will be staying with my Mom while I take Emmett and hightail it to Akron Children's Hospital. It's not for anything serious. He needs new glasses and this just his yearly checkup.  I'd happily take Gavin along but I won't have time…


So this happened on Friday morning :(

Here's what I found while I was racing to get the boys to school Friday morning. 😫   I changed out the tire, got the kids to school on time-ish and still made it to walk the track. I was 7 minutes late arriving to the track but I still went.  My Dad and I plugged the tire this morning, making Emmett and I good to go for our trip to Akron Children's Hospital in the morning.  😀


Let the meltdowns beginĀ 

The boys are now home and it's nice to have them back.  That said, poor Emmett is way overstimulated and you know what that means.  That's right, meltdowns.   We are having quite a few this afternoon already and they haven't been present.  😫   


Elliott came home early

Elliott decided that he didn't want to go to church this morning and so he wanted to come home early.  He's lucky because I my Mom sent me a text before 8am and I just happen to have woken up long enough to hear it.  While my break was cut short, I'm still grateful for the break I did get and frankly, it's nice to have him home. I miss my kids when they're gone.    


What’s something that your kiddo with #Autism loves to eat but you feel like a horrible parent for letting them?

This is something that you will get it or you won't. Kids on the Autism spectrum can be very, very difficult to feed for a number of reasons.  Some kids are more extreme than others but it's a pretty universal concern among many Autism parents, including myself.  What's something that your kiddo with Autism loves to eat but you feel like a horrible parent for letting them? My Emmett is very difficult to feed because he's so profoundly impact my sensory issues that he can only tolerate certain foods and it seems like the list is always shrinking.  As parents to these amazingly beautiful but challenging children, we tend to have a fall back or go to food.     This is something that we are reasonably sure that our kids…


This is why I’m so worried about my kids

I'm very much overwhelmed by the boys at this point.  I love them completely and will never give up but I'm absolutely overwhelmed.  Earlier in the week I shared a post about how Dr. Pattie and I are concerned about the boys (Elliott and Emmett) and the emotional challenges they seem to be facing.   No one is labeling them with anything but their behavior is very concerning.      Elliott overreacts to everything and it's usually because he misinterprets what he hears. His perception can be skewed and he reacts based on what he thinks or feels is going on around him.  He gets so bent out of shape over simple words and is frequently screaming I hate being me. It's so heartbreaking. 💔 Emmett is beginning to do…


I got some totally amazing news today

Wordpress totally chewed this post up and spit it out because it absolutely disappeared. I'll just sum this up and publish it so that I can share the good news and move on with my night. :-) The boys are spending the night at my parents for a send night in a row. This means that I will have another night to myself without the kids. I have no plans because you know, I have no life outside of my kids. I don't really have many real life friends, at least close by and I not dating anyone because I haven't figured that part of my life out just yet. Frankly, I'm not in a big hurry to figure that part of my life out. For now, I'll just take…