Why Animals Are Great For Children With #Autism

This is a collaborative post and as such, does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of this blog or its author. Image An animal is a living creature who you can form some amazing emotional bonds with. For anyone, they can be a vital part of the family and become a huge part of our lives. Let’s can help us to make more friends in the wider world, become more confident and even make us fit! For people who have physical and mental issues though, animals can be even more crucial. For example, you can learn more about emotional support animals and see what they do for people with anxiety, depression, PTSD and even autism. Children who suffer from autism are often very quiet and withdrawn from the world, with…


Are You Doing Enough To Care For Your Family’s Future?

This is a collaborative post and therefore does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of this blog or its author. https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-beach-holiday-woman-39691/ Having a family is wonderful. You feel loved and supported, and it’s an incredible feeling to be able to care for your family and keep them happy. But as much as you may feel you’re doing everything you can for your family, you may not be. Of course, this is something that will very much be personal to each family and what they consider to be the best for their lives. There is no one-size fits all approach to doing well by your family. However, at the same time, it’s also very easy to get swept up in everyday life. Because we all get busy. We have our…


Receiving An Autism Diagnosis: The Do’s And Don’ts

When your child is diagnosed with autism, your life is going to be changed forever. The diagnosis itself can be intimidating, and you will likely feel scared, upset, and maybe even angry. You’ll be unsure of what to do or who to turn to, and this will only make your distress worse. However, as time passes, you’ll learn a lot, and will understand that caring for a child with autism isn’t really scary at all. Of course, you’ll have your moments, but you’ll grow from them, and become even better at handling certain situations. But, for now, it’s understandable that your future feels uncertain. To make your life a little easier and give you some guidance, here are nine things that you should or shouldn’t do after receiving an autism…


How Pets Can Help Children with Autism

Image source - https://www.pexels.com/photo/animal-dog-pet-labrador-8700/ They say that a pet is man’s best friend, but they are so much more than this. For a child that has autism, a pet can change their life for the better. There have been numerous reports and studies that have investigated the benefits of bringing a pet into the family home if you have a child with autism. So, in this blog post, the advantages of this are going to be explored in further detail so that you can find out what a family cat, dog or any other animal your kid is drawn to, will bring out the best in them. So, what are the benefits of pets for children with autism? Socialisation  There is only one place to begin, and this is with…


5 Lifestyle Essentials To Try Out This Year

This is a contributed post and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of this blog or its author. https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-sitting-near-large-body-of-water-under-clear-sky-during-sunset-164293/ If you’re someone that tends to get into a routine, then it’s safe to say that you like things to be constant in your life. However, as effective as being in a routine can be - especially when you really want to get things done - it can also be a bit restricting. Before long, you may start to feel as if your routine is making life a little stale. This is what tends to happen when you stick to the same things in life. And sometimes, you just need to be able to shake it all up. From your outlook to what you eat and even your grooming routine,…


How I helped my adult son with #Autism work through a really bad day

Today felt like a trip back in time to when Gavin was really struggling with behavioral issues. OMG did he have a rough day. He tried his best but couldn't cope well with all that went on yesterday. His Monday was thrown off because of the shift in his bloodwork schedule. That threw him for a loop and the day had only just started. When he started his IVIG infusion, both infusion sites ended up leaking and he needed to be stuck with a needle five or six times before we could get it working. His infusion going poorly sent him into a downward spiral that he would never recover from. Throughout the rest of the day he struggled with just about everything. His frustration threshold was nonexistent and he…


How helping others helps me to cope with being an #Autism parent

This may sound like it would be counterproductive, but one of the best ways to cope with the stress of being an Autism parent is to use your experience to help others. That's sound crazy right? I know it does but let me explain. When I first began my Autism parenting journey almost seventeen years ago, the stress was unbearable. I was on edge all the time and barely slept. I didn't know what to do and felt like I was completely lost in the dark, trying to find my way. I began blogging under the title Lost and Tired. It was basically a digital journal that helped me to process things. I could write about what I experienced or how I felt and walk away from it feeling lighter.…