2 years ago today I met and interviewed Dr. Temple Grandin

2 years ago today, I met Dr. Temple Grandin. It was my very first trip away from my 3 autistic kids. I was so nervous because I’d never been away from them like that before. I’m so glad I went. It was such an amazing experience. I learned a great deal and met some amazing people, including Kate from @findingcoopersvoice. This was one of my very first big podcast interviews and you can find it at theautismdad.link and click on the podcast button or simply stream it below.


Ideas for Throwing the Perfect #Autism Friendly Birthday Party

Being a parent in this day and age is tough enough, but it can be even more difficult with life as an autism parent. There is a lot of hard work, and it takes time to get into any kind of routine. It’s not the same as parenting a child who doesn’t have autism, and things can sometimes get a little bit overwhelming. This is why it is important to have ideas to help you. The most important date in any child’s calendar, autistic or otherwise, is going to be their birthday. This is something that plays a big role in making the day perfect, but there are rules. This is going to be a delicate event that you will need to plan and prepare for sensibly. An Autism-friendly party…

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Our evening was interrupted by rounds of gunfire

We're going into Sunday on an unpleasant note Lizze and I were watching Netflix tonight, trying to relax after another long day of being Autism parents. About halfway through the new movie Extinction, we heard several rounds of gunfire. Unfortunately, the gunfire wasn't coming from our TV, it was coming from outside our window. This is always concerning but lately, Lizze and I have been really struggling with our living situation. We very much need to move and the rounds of gunfire tonight were the most recent reminder. Putting this aside for a minute, it was a pretty decent evening tonight. We took a roughly 2-mile walk before getting some ice cream. The kids did well-ish while we were out and we're quite proud of them. :-) UPDATE: As I'm finishing this post up,…


There’s only 1 thing on the agenda for this weekend but it’s causing stress

The boys are headed to the Zoo today with their grandparents. Lizze and I will have at least part of the day to ourselves. We don't really have anything to do or anywhere to go besides the grocery store and that will be a pretty short trip. Regardless of how short that trip will be, I'm hoping to have it done before the boys get home. There isn't anything planned for this weekend but a decent trip to the grocery store could make the weekend just bit easier to survive. I'm already on edge and need to make things as easy as possible. Grocery shopping has become much more challenging since the boys have been home for summer break. We have to buy more than we do during the school…


Are there times when you find being an #Autism parent harder than usual?

Being an Autism parent is rarely described as being easy. It's many things but easy simply isn't one of them. That doesn't mean that there aren't times that are easier than others. In that vein of thought, I thought I would pose a question to you all. Are there times you find being an Autism parent harder than usual? If so when? For me personally, it much harder to be an Autism parent when my kids are sick, especially when it's my youngest, Emmett. Emmett is so sensory oriented that even things like a simple cold will put him into a tailspin. It's awful because there's nothing we can do, short of curing a cold, that will help him. Things like a stuffy nose, scratchy throat or even sneezing can…


The Life-Threatening Reason Gavin’s Surgery was canceled (video)

As you likely already know, Gavin was scheduled for surgery at Akron Children's Hospital yesterday. Everything went as planned but we ran into a problem. I summed everything up in the video below because it was easier to talk about it than try to explain in writing. I'll quickly explain what happened before leaving you to the video for the details. Gavin's surgery was canceled at the very last minute and I mean that literally. He was just about to go into surgery when two issues came up. One was workable but one of them led to everything being canceled. The first issue was legal but more of an ethical concern than a legal one. While this did come up and I share this in the spirit of honesty, it's…