Some Good Gavin News

I wanted to share a snippet of good news. Yesterday I mentioned that Gavin was having bladder issues once again. He was frustrated by this and understandably so. My concern was that we were going to see this becoming a trend and that wouldn't be a good thing. Thankfully, today seems to be a better day for him. He hasn't said anything about having to constantly go to the bathroom. My hope is that yesterday was just a fluke and things will continue to remain stable in this particular area of his life. Gavin certainly has enough on his plate, and if we can keep even one thing from piling back on, that's a very positive thing.      


I don’t even know what day it is

The boys have had a pretty good day so far. They were so quiet that I was able to grab a short nap while they were playing Xbox together. We're on the final day of our four day weekend, and it feels more like a Sunday than a Monday. I have to eventually run out and grab a few things the boys will need for school this week, but aside from that, it's just a lazy day. The week is going to be thrown off because it does feel like a Sunday and that will keep me a day behind throughout the week. It's weird how that works but this kind of weekend always throws off my internal clock. I'm hoping to have a peaceful afternoon and evening. We need to…

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How #Depression impacts my life

Depression has been a constant companion of mine since I was a teenager. I've spoken very openly about this war I'm waging, and I'm going to try and provide you with some further insight. I've always referred to my struggles with Depression as a war because depression is a life long struggle, consisting of many battles. Some battles will be won, and others lost, just like any other war. It's important for me to share these battles because there's such a lack of understanding in regards to mental illness in general but more specifically, Depression. My hope is that my story will inspire others to share theirs as well. I've fought many battles against Depression over the years. There are times I feel like I'm gaining ground and others where I feel…


#Autism Parenting Exhaustion 

I've been dragging a little bit lately. Honestly, I feel completely spent, like all the life has been drained from my body. My diet and exercise journey has suffered as a result. The problem is probably more complicated than this, but I'm very sleep deprived. Even when the boys are gone for the night, my sleep patterns are still messed up. Almost every single night, one or both of the boys have a problem in the sleep department that requires me to either wake up or not go to sleep yet. Some may read this post and hear only excuses for my lack of discipline. Others who live a life similar to mine will better understand where I'm coming from. It's difficult to function when you didn't sleep well the…


When IVIG Infusions go wrong

Gavin's IVIG infusion has been a disaster so far. First of all, the supply company shorted us the needles needed to draw up his meds. I had to find a pharmacy that carried theses and was willing to sell me some without a script. Honestly, who would be buying these things without some a script? I guess I get it. Luckily, the Walgreen's down the street was willing to because they are familiar with Gavin and his infusion needs. Unfortunately, after I arrived home and struggled for about 20 minutes to draw up his medication, I realized that they sold me fricking filtered needles. Let me just say that trying to draw up his meds with these needles was like trying to suck a watermelon through a stir straw. Thankfully, I was…


When my kids have a great day at school

The boys had a great day at school today. That's not a huge surprise, but I never assume anything. I appreciate this ending to the week because we are heading into four day weekend and it's always a good thing to start those out on the right foot. Apparently, tomorrow is a teacher in-service day and then, of course; Monday is MLK Day. I'm super proud of the boys for giving the week their all and walking away with a smile. We don't have any plans for this weekend, but the boys are going to spend the night with their grandparents tomorrow night. That means we get a break. :-)


It’s easy to underestimate the impact a meltdown can have on a parent

This morning took so much out of me that for the first time in awhile, I crashed after dropping the boys off at school. I did get some writing done prior but I was just no longer able to function and needed sleep. I feel much better now, although I'm still tired. It's pretty easy to underestimate how much a morning full of meltdowns can impact a parent. The amount of emotional and physical energy expended is immeasurable. On the positive side of things, once Emmett works through the sensory issues in the morning, he seems to recover much faster than I do and has a good day at school. Truthfully, if given the choice, this is how I would want it to go. Experiencing a sensory issue like Emmett…


Please tell me it’s bedtime 

OMG.... I've had my hands full today with the boys. Gavin's been driving me nuts with his constant talking but he's also been a huge help today and I'm super grateful for that. Elliott and Emmett on the otherhand have been fighting all day long.. I've lost count of how many meltdowns Emmett's had today and I'm not looking forward to getting him ready for school in the morning. A day like today is not a good sign of what's to come. I'm really looking forward to bedtime because I need some quiet tonight. I'd love to be able to hear myself think.