Sh!t: It’s just turned into a three day weekend

Like and idiot tempting fate, I took Emmett's temperature. Now he's running a fever of 102.1°F and is unbelievably grouchy. I'm being forced to accept that what was a traditional two day weekend, has morphed into a three day weekend at the very least.  I'm not gonna lie here, I'm a bit stressed out because I wasn't able to really relax at all this weekend, cause I've been dealing with sick kids. I haven't even been able to sleep in my own bed.. 🙁  Part of me is debating on giving Gavin his IVIG infusion tonight. That would be a day early but the last thing we need is for him to get sick as well. 


Sh!t: It’s just turned into a three day weekend

Like and idiot tempting fate, I took Emmett's temperature. Now he's running a fever of 102.1°F and is unbelievably grouchy. I'm being forced to accept that what was a traditional two day weekend, has morphed into a three day weekend at the very least.  I'm not gonna lie here, I'm a bit stressed out because I wasn't able to really relax at all this weekend, cause I've been dealing with sick kids. I haven't even been able to sleep in my own bed.. 🙁  Part of me is debating on giving Gavin his IVIG infusion tonight. That would be a day early but the last thing we need is for him to get sick as well. 


Guess how many sick kids I have this afternoon

The boys have arrived home this afternoon and Emmett came back with more than what we sent him with, a cough... 🙁  Outside of what he describes as a painful cough, he's in good spirits, as is Elliott. Unfortunately, the reality is such that they will feel better touring the day but absolutely shitty at night and in the morning.  Then of course, there's the fighting. Elliott and Emmett are already fighting. I'm going to have to make them rest today because we want to try and keep them from getting any worse.  What's in the agenda for today? Lots of rest, hydration and driving Daddy crazy.. 


Guess how many sick kids I have this afternoon

The boys have arrived home this afternoon and Emmett came back with more than what we sent him with, a cough... 🙁  Outside of what he describes as a painful cough, he's in good spirits, as is Elliott. Unfortunately, the reality is such that they will feel better touring the day but absolutely shitty at night and in the morning.  Then of course, there's the fighting. Elliott and Emmett are already fighting. I'm going to have to make them rest today because we want to try and keep them from getting any worse.  What's in the agenda for today? Lots of rest, hydration and driving Daddy crazy.. 


Elliott’s gotten much worse :(

I had the longest night ever. Mr. Elliott woke up throughout the night crying. He was never fully awake but still miserable. I had to rub his head to get his back to sleep.  To make things worse, this morning his fever was at 104.1°F and on Advil, it only dropped to 102.3°F. On the positive side, he's in good spirits.  He's been binging How to Train Your Dragon: Race to the edge on Netflix. Lizze is sleeping now after sending me to bed earlier. I'm dragging though because this is the second night in a row I've been in the couch and my whole body hurts. 🙁  The other boys will be home in about an hour and that's when the fun will really start.. 


Bad News 

I'm only going to take a few minutes cause I have to get back to what I was doing.  Lizze and I had a total break of about two hours or so today. While I'm grateful for that time, it was too short. Unfortunately, Elliott needed to be picked up because he was really sick.  He went downhill quickly. Fever, chills, cough and congestion.  Elliott is finally resting comfortably on the love seat and I'm trying to get comfortable on the couch. Lizze went to bed a couple hours ago and I'll be in the living room with my sick kiddo...  Who needs a break anyway.????


How we are avoiding caregiver burnout

I had a really rough night. Elliott had a very hard time falling asleep on the couch but Emmett had no problem falling asleep on me.  Both boys are feeling better this morning and that's good because Grandma's coming in about three hours to claim them for the night.  Lizze sent me back to bed for a nice long nap and I feel pretty much like a living, breathing person again as a result. It's her turn now and I guess I'll see the boys off at 2pm. I don't know that we have any specific plans for the time the kids are gone. It really depends very much on how Lizze is feeling, and that varies from day to day. I'd really like to go walking but it's super…


I think I’ve earned an Okay-ish Dad award after today :) 

It's a little after midnight and poor Elliott is absolutely miserable. He's got a ton of post nasal stuff going on and he doesn't do well with that. He's actually been quite close to puking and we all know how I feel about that.. 😁  He tried sleeping in his bed and then ours but couldn't manage to fall asleep. The best option for him is to sleep on the love seat, where he can comfortably sit up and fall asleep.  This helps with the drainage and that puts him in a better place to get some sleep.  While I'm happy to camp out with Elliott in the living room, especially if it's providing him comfort, I'm less enthusiastic because I love my new mattress. In the past, the couch…