Hey Dad, You Need A Good Night’s Sleep Too!

This is a collaborative post and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of this author of this blog.   Every forum, every article, and every new Mom talks about how hard it is to have a baby and deal with sleep deprivation. No matter where you look, there are guides for a new Mom and how she can catch up with sleep during the day because, at night time, she’s breastfeeding and not sleeping very much at all. Here’s the thing: everyone forgets about Dad. If you are the sort of man who believes that you’ve experienced fatigue because of the latest stag do, you are very sorely mistaken. Dad’s may have ineffectual nipples that the baby doesn’t want, and Dad may have a job to get to…


Morning meltdowns are so exhausting

This morning was a bit on the rougher side of shitty. Emmett really struggled with his stomach and was extremely upset because he didn't feel good but he also didn't want to miss school. He struggled with this so much that he ended up melting down. We decided to have him stay home because he truly wasn't feeling well and maybe we could get him to school a bit later in the day. I took Elliott to school but stopped at Walgreens because he decided at the last minute that he wanted to bring Valentines to school. While I was there, Lizze called and said Emmett basically wanted to try going to school. We turned around and claimed Emmett before making our way to the school. It's important to understand…


When #Autism truly breaks your heart

During therapy tonight, we spoke with Emmett about his tummy aches. He wasn't super forthcoming, which doesn't surprise me. We asked him if anything was bothering him because sometimes that can cause a tummy ache. The way we word things is critical to communicating with Emmett. He's so incredibly literal, it's very difficult to talk to him sometimes. By sometimes, I really mean most of the time. It's one of the things that makes Emmett, Emmett. Over the years we've figured out ways to work around these obstacles when we can't work through them. Unfortunately, if there's even the slightest emotional charge to a conversation, it's often a lost cause. It's becomes a live to fight another day kinda thing. When we spoke with him tonight, Lizze, myself and Dr.…


Some Key Considerations If Your Child Has A Long-Term Condition

Pic Source It can be a shocking moment when you discover that your child has a chronic condition of some kind. However, the most important thing is that you find a way to make it work, no matter what it is that your child is diagnosed with or how hopeless it might at first seem. There are a number of considerations you will want to think about as soon as possible, o that you can make the entire journey a little easier on yourself. As long as you pay attention to these, you will be in a better position to do whatever needs doing at the right time, and you won’t be quite as likely to experience extra added stress as well. Let’s take a look at what those key…


Emmett is struggling this morning

Emmett is struggling this morning. His tummy is upset again and he's not in a good place. He's on the verge of a massive meltdown and nothing is helping. I don't know why his tummy hurts or if it's something else that's bothering him and it's causing a tummy ache. I suspect Emmett is dealing with anxiety about something and just isn't able to telling us what it is. I'm taking a short break from trying to help him work through it because it too early and I'm already getting overwhelmed. If I don't take a break, I'm going to be of little use.


Gavin’s not having a good day

Gavin's having a rough morning. For starters, his routine is thrown off because he's not getting his bloodwork done today. The new day for that is Wednesday's. His IVIG infusion is leaking from the left needle and that always freaks him out. It's pretty easy to fix but it's not without additional pain. It's good that he's working through it but it's not very graceful.. Lastly, and this one is driving me crazy. He has been nonstop complaining about a hang nail on his right index finger. All of the crazy things he's endured or is currently enduring, and the kid is freaking out over a hang nail. He's always been this way and they tell me it's sensory related. Back when he suffering from very serious behavioral problems, he…