Read more about the article Emmett’s discovered something he really enjoys and I’m super excited
Emmett's discovered something he really enjoys and I'm super excited He has been really into to taking pictures and likes to look at all the cameras when we go to the store. I'd love to foster this interest and maybe he and I can take a photography class together..

Emmett’s discovered something he really enjoys and I’m super excited

Have I mentioned before that I'm a closet photographer? Well I am. Here is one of my latest pictures. Please follow my account on Instagram by clicking here and you can check out all my photos from that last few years. :-)

Read more about the article The rescued Cleo is doing amazing in her new home
The rescued Cleo is doing amazing in her new home

The rescued Cleo is doing amazing in her new home

Have I mentioned before that I'm a closet photographer? Well I am. Here is one of my latest pictures. Please follow my account on Instagram by clicking here and you can check out all my photos from that last few years. :-)

Read more about the article Why would someone throw you out of a moving car?
Why would someone throw you out of a moving car?

Why would someone throw you out of a moving car?

Have I mentioned before that I'm a closet photographer? Well I am. Here is one of my latest pictures. Please follow my account on Instagram by clicking here and you can check out all my photos from that last few years. :-)