Poor kid is having an anxiety attack

Emmett woke up this morning and doesn't feel well. He's not sick, at least not physically sick. Emmett is a child who deals with anxiety and it can be debilitating at times. When he gets anxious, it tends to manifest physically, usually as a stomach ache. He's not physically ill but is experiencing physical symptoms. Make sense? Anyway, he's really stressed out over COVID and going to school in a pandemic. He's seeing his friends and teachers become infected. Thankfully, to my knowledge, everyone has recovered. Also, Emmett is fully vaccinated. The risk to him is minimal but not zero. He understands that but it's the not zero part that makes him anxious. He's feeling afraid for himself, his family, and everyone else. It's very clear to him that there…


On a side note

Okay. I've decided to try and send the boys to school in the morning. The school instituted a mandatory mask mandate last week so everyone will be masked. If they need to come home, they will be sent home. I don't know what else to do at this point. There's no fevers, just drainage which makes them cough. My day is fairly open so if I need to retrieve them, I can. I'll drop them off and then go workout. As long as I can squeeze that in, I'll be off to a good start. ☺ I mentioned I was feeling a bit out of sorts eariler. I'm feeling a good deal better now. I made productive use of my anxious energy this afternoon. I washed and put two coats…


I was in the emergency room yesterday and ended up at the @ClevelandClinic

Yesterday was one of those days I'd like to avoid going forward. If you don't follow me on Facebook, then you're probably out of the loop. You can find my Facebook profile linked at the top of the page. Just sayin'..... Wednesday I began experiencing a sore throat. Not a huge deal but it was getting worse. I woke up about 3 am on Friday morning and took some motrin for the pain. It felt like a pill got stuck in my throat. When I woke up in the morning, I felt like I was choking and it scared the shit out of me. I was supposed to get the kids to Akron Children's for the first COVID shot at 10 am. I couldn't talk without feeling like I was…


5 Ways To Deal With Anxiety As A Parent

Kids are much more perceptive than we think. That means they can often pick up on exactly how we are thinking, just by looking at us - no matter how hard we try to keep those feelings to ourselves. As a result, we must find healthy ways to deal with our emotions - so that we can continue to support our kids while also taking care of our mental health. Photo by Juliane Liebermann on Unsplash As a parent, many different things could leave you feeling anxious. Whether you are dealing with a hectic work schedule or dealing with some financial difficulties - it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. However, according to a naturopathic doctor in Scottsdale, lack of sleep is a key contributor to anxiety and can make you feel more…


Can you guess why it’s so hard for me to sleep?

I've been talking about how tough it's been to sleep at night when Emmett is dealing with separation anxiety. The last few days he's been doing really well in regards to sleeping in his own bed. Last night was a bit of a struggle. He ultimately made it into his own bed but he had to fall asleep in my room first. If you ask him why he needs to sleep in my room, he'll say something along the lines of he feels more comfortable. Sometimes it's because he has a string of nightmares that really upset him. Yet on other occasions, he's said that he's afraid that if he's not glued to me at night, he's going to wake up in the morning and I'll have left in the…

Read more about the article Is Separation Anxiety a Thing?
Photo by Zen Chung on Pexels.com

Is Separation Anxiety a Thing?

The short answer is yes. Separation anxiety exists, not just with children and babies, but with animals and adults - it’s how you deal with it that’s key. It’s a fact that separation anxiety and fear of strangers is common in young children between the ages of 6 months and three years, but it's a normal part of growing up, and they will usually grow out of it. According to the NHS website, separation anxiety is a sign that your child is growing up and realizing other people play a part in his or her world and this realization, as normal as it is to a grown-up, will cause distress to a child. Recognize the Signs Breastfeeding mothers will recognize the signs immediately. Your baby or young child will cry…


He’s been going through so much and had basically shut down

So I've been dealing with less sleep than usual because Elliott has decided that he wants or needs to hangout when he can't sleep. The last few nights, he knocks on my door and asks if he can hang out. He's been going through a lot and basically shut down for a long time. When he asks to hang out, that's amazing in my world and the last thing I want to do is turn him away. At the same time, it's well after midnight and I just can't keep doing this. I think he just needs the company because we don't really talk about anything in particular. We just sit on my bed and play Xbox for a little while or watch a movie until my eyes can't stay…