We got off to a really rough start this morning
We got off to a really rough start this morning and we almost didn't even wake up
We got off to a really rough start this morning and we almost didn't even wake up
I have a Confession : I've not been doing so well and here's why......
The boys routine is way off track for today and I'm praying that we can transition through without too much stress
It's been a stressful and emotional roller coaster today and I'd like to get off the ride now please. When my son with fragile health gets sick, I freak out because there are so many unknowns.
It's a good news/bad news kinda morning and I'll give you the good news first.... Read More
I really dislike days where everything hinges on one particular thing going a certain way. That one particular thing is a massive wildcard and it adds a huge unknown factor into an already uncertain day.... Here's what I mean.....
Routine is so important to maintain and even being sick can throw that off, creating chaos... This is what I need to have happen in the morning....
The emotions I cycle through in regards to the collapse of my marriage are very difficult for me to process. I'm trying so hard to move on but maybe that's part of the problem... Here's my confession