It’s the only time I can break down

Gavin is getting more and more frustrated with himself over his disappearing abilities. I don't really know how else to describe it. He hasn't necessarily forgotten that he should know how to do things, but he's forgotten how to do them.  I can't even begin to imagine what that's like for him.  While I'm overweight, my cholesterol is borderline, and I wage war with Depression, I'm otherwise blessed with good health.  Gavin is experiencing things that would be more common for someone seventy years his senior. He forgets almost everything (short term memory) and easily loses track of what he's doing. When it comes to the games he plays, he can focus, but getting him to draw a picture ends up being too much for him.  We return to his…


A night of massive meltdowns

Last night was filled with meltdowns, freak outs, and trying to figure out what the fuck was going on. Emmett was complaining of a tummy ache but he couldn't express anything more than it hurts.  It's really hard to know what's going on when he's unable to help us better understand what's he's dealing with.  There's no question he was upset about his stomach but we couldn't tell if he was hunger related, constipation, or nausea. When we asked him about describing what he was feeling, he just melted down and screamed I don't know.  He ended up falling asleep without a huge amount of trouble.  He struggled a bit because he was convinced that he was going to puke, and didn't want to sleep on the top bunk. Lizze…


I’m off to a good start 

The boys will be home soon, and I'm off to a good start on my goals for the day.  I just got off the treadmill and feel amazing.  Now I'm getting some writing done and planning the rest of my day.  I feel energized from working out and my demeanor is pretty damn positive.. ☺ 


My life is exhausting on a good day

I was lucky enough to get a power nap this morning. I'm feeling much better now and ready to both write and take on the day.  The boys will be gone for a few more hours and I want to get some things done before they get home. My biggest priority is hitting the treadmill because if I don't keep pushing myself to do that each day, I'll never make it a habit.  I did awesome yesterday but I've fallen behind today.  It's so hard to stay motivated when I'm under so much stress. Maybe that sounds like a cop-out, but it's what happens. The more stressful my life gets, the more I just want to shut down.  My life is exhausting on a good day and I don't always…


I’m feeling completely exhausted

The boys will be leaving to spend the day with my Mom. They're going to be gone for a good portion of the day.  I plan on taking a nap and using the treadmill, but that's about it. I do have a couple of conference calls at some point today, but I don't know when. I have to wait for the phone calls to ring through.  At the moment, I've been up since before 7am. I feel exhausted already and it's only been about three hours. 


Maggie killed a little baby bird today

I had Maggie outside this morning in the yard. She's been irritating me lately because she takes forever to use the bathroom. This morning was no exception.  When she didn't come back up the steps, I went down to find her.  She was obviously looking for something but was unable to find it. Turns out the was a baby robin in the yard, chirping it's little head off. Maggie's not an aggressive dog by any stretch of the imagination. I walked over to the baby bird and helped nudge it out of the open and in tons one brush.  My goal was to keep it out of the open because I didn't want Maggie to go after it. I also know that there was a stray cat stalking it from…


We received some bad news 

In what seems like a cruel twist of fate, insurance has decided to discontinue coverage for Lizze's outpatient therapy classes.  These are a series of three different classes that span a total of about six months or so. They are designed to help people dealing with things like PTSD, Bipolar Disorder, and more extreme challenges like Borderline Personality Disorder.  Before she was able to begin the very first class earlier this year, insurance had to approve everything, and they did. They agreed to cover all three classes and so we proceeded with the therapy.  She made it through the first class, and about half of the second one when out of nowhere, insurance pulled the plug and the funding.  We've been unable to secure a reason for this sudden and…