I’m ready to quit the school year and here’s why

Here's a super quick update before I go to bed.  As of midnight, I haven't a clue as to whether or not either of the boys will be in school. I've got Elliott with a fever and Emmett with worsening mouth sores, but no fever.  When I say his mouth sores are getting worse, I'm referring to the fact that they have gone from being on his tongue and throat, to his cheeks, lips and gums. He may not be running a fever but he's in a great deal of pain.  To make things worse for poor Emmett, some of these sores are constantly brushing up against his teeth.  Gavin went to bed not feeling well. He has a low grade fever, and an upset stomach. Lizze's Mom pointed out…


We’re dropping like flies 

I woke up this morning with a fever. It wasn't too bad but it was 102°F and that usually means I'm fighting something off. I still had my headache from last night, and on the only day I was able to sleep in, my headache woke me up at 6 AM.  Fast forward to this afternoon, and the boys came home. Elliott want feeling well and sure enough, he has a fever now as well.  On a positive note, Emmett seems to be fever free. He's 99.5°F,which isn't a fever medically speaking, but that is the temperature the school sends them home from school. We're so close to getting Emmett back to school, I can taste it.  Elliott on the other hand, will be home tomorrow.  I'm not sure about…


Why I’m not asleep at 3 AM

Lizze and I had a quiet evening tonight. Her parents ended up taking the boys, and that worked out well because I feel like shit. I'm not sure what's going on, but I just don't feel well.  My stomach is upset and my head hurts. I fell asleep on the couch for awhile but it's now 3 AM and I can't fall asleep again. I don't know if this is a stomach bug or if it's the culmination of stress from the past week or so. It doesn't really matter because the end result is the same.  I'm hoping to get some sleep tonight and be feeling better in the morning. It's really important to me that I at least make it to my parents reception around lunch time.  It…


The struggle is real and so is the toll

I just woke up from a four hour nap. I feel a bit better but I'm far from being back in my feet. This week has taken so much out of me, but it's also been an unusual week and on that hopefully won't be repeated anytime soon.  The fever disorder that Emmett struggles with has interfered with so much of his life already. It seems to literally dictated a large portion of it thus far, and that's not fair to Emmett.  When these happen during the school year, it's far more distressing than having this happen during the summer.  While I'm caring for Emmett while he's in a fever cycle, I'm not physically experiencing it myself. With that being said, I'm so exhausted from playing my part, I feel…

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What’s less than running on fumes

Emmett is in such a foul mood today. His fever is back up to almost 102°F and he's a nightmare to deal with this morning.  Lizze and I are completely spent. We're so far beyond running on fumes, I don't know how to put this into words.  All I want to do is go to bed and sleep forever at this point. Fat chance that's going to happen anytime soon..  Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Barely surviving the worst fever cycle ever

We've made it to the end of the week, and what a week it's been.  This week has brought with it a few firsts, and they have proven to be very challenging. Emmett began and is still inside of his worst fever cycle ever. We're at the seven day mark and he's still running enough of a fever to keep him out of school.  I really don't know when this cycle is going to stop, but they historically last about ten days. Having said that, there have been a few over the years that lasted every bit of twenty one days.  Lizze and I both love Emmett but we need him to go back to school.  I'm burnt the fuck out, and need a day or two without a kid…


Generalization is a b!tch

One of the most frustrating things for me as an Autism Dad, in regards to my kids with Autism is generalization.  Merriam-Webster defines generalization as the act or process whereby a learned response is made to a stimulus similar to but not identical with the conditioned stimulus.  In layman's terms it means that if something happens once, it always happen again. Kids with Autism tend to apply this concept to just about everything in their lives. My kids are no exception. In fact, my kids are the poster children for generalization.  Let me give you a few examples from recent history, most of which center around Emmett.  If something tastes funny this time, it will always taste funny. Even if the reason it tastes funny is because you just brushed…


I’ll give you one guess

I spoke with Emmett's dentist this morning, explained what we were dealing with and apologized for the late notice. He said that it's best to keep him home and reschedule, and not to worry about it because he understood.  I hate canceling at the last minute for anything. I fucking hate it, but sometimes it can't be avoided.  As for Emmett's status today, he's running a fever. I'm sure you're all as shocked and surprised as I am, but it is what it is. He's in a good mood for the most part today, and that's a good thing.  I'm not the one physically going through this fever flare, but goddam if it hasn't completely worn me out. Emmett was up at 5:00 AM this morning and wouldn't go back…