Oops…. We overslept by a lot this morning
Don't you hate when this happens.......
Don't you hate when this happens.......
It's been awhile since I've had any artwork to share and I was thrilled when Gavin asked me to share the sketches he did in his sketchbook. There's 50 in total but I'm breaking them up into groups of 10 to make them a bit more manageable. These aren't organized in any special way, other than the order they were photographed in. Gavin loves to draw and what I find truly amazing is how well he does, especially considering how badly his hands shake. Please feel free to leave your positive and encouraging comments below. I'll make sure Gavin sees them.
The weather was beautiful today. The sun was out and the temperature was in the high 50's, which is still chilly but the sun makes it feel warmer. I took a nap in the morning because of the lack of sleep the night before. After that I got some work done and did some partnership building. I even squeezed in some desperately needed server maintenance. Gavin and I decided it would be a great day for a walk, assuming we could get his brothers to cooperate. We picked up the boys and while they didn't want to walk the track, they did want to go on a hike. That's exactly what we did. We went on a 36-minute long hike through the woods at Monument Park. We took some paths…
Did you know that a change in routine can impact a child with #Autism, long after the change occurred???
Today was pretty quiet until it wasn't. Gavin talked my ear off for most of the morning and early afternoon (can you say manic) but it's just one of those things. I'm able to tune 90% of it out and I know that sounds terrible but a Dad's got to preserve a little sanity here and there. Gavin and I picked the boys up from school and headed to therapy. Emmett was bouncing off the walls and therapy was mostly crashing and bashing because that's what he needed. Check out the pictures above. Gavin and Emmett both did great during their respective therapies. Elliott did awesome as well because he was super patient and waited for his brothers to finish their therapies. After therapy is when things went bad. Emmett…
I have to break the news to the boys that there's been more change to their routine today.....
It's so important not to lose hope and get frustrated because I can't sleep..