Mightier Review 2024: Helping Kids with Autism and ADHD Manage Meltdowns

Discover how Mightier, developed by Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital, uses biofeedback to help kids with autism and ADHD manage meltdowns and improve emotional self-regulation. Through fun, engaging games, Mightier teaches children to recognize and control their emotions, providing invaluable skills that benefit them throughout life. Learn about the science behind Mightier, our personal success story, and how you can save 10% with the code theautismdad22.


Understanding Stimming in ADHD and Autism

What is Stimming? Stimming, short for self-stimulatory behavior, refers to repetitive actions like hand-flapping, rocking, humming, or tapping. For those of us with ADHD or autism, stimming serves as a way to self-regulate our sensory experiences and emotions. It helps manage the overwhelming input from our surroundings and provides a sense of calm and focus. Why Do We Stim? There are several reasons why stimming is a common behavior: Sensory Regulation: Our brains can easily become overwhelmed by sensory input. Stimming helps us filter and manage this input, making our environment more predictable and less stressful. Emotional Release: When we feel anxious, excited, or frustrated, stimming can be a way to express and release these emotions safely. Focus and Concentration: Engaging in repetitive movements or sounds can help maintain focus…

Read more about the article Saving Smarter: Practical Tips for Busy Parents to Build a Financial Safety Net
Photo by Vidal Balielo Jr. on Pexels.com

Saving Smarter: Practical Tips for Busy Parents to Build a Financial Safety Net

In an era where financial stability feels increasingly precarious, building a financial safety net is no longer just an option but a necessity. For busy parents, balancing the cost of raising a family with saving for the future can be an arduous task. However, with strategic planning and smart saving habits, it’s possible to secure a robust financial foundation. Here are some practical tips to help busy parents save smarter and create a financial buffer for their family's future. Assess Your Financial Situation The first step to building a financial safety net is to understand where you currently stand. Take stock of all your assets, liabilities, income, and monthly expenses. This detailed snapshot offers valuable insights into your financial health and helps identify areas where you can make immediate improvements.…


Why Self-Care is Essential for Parents: Managing Stress and Anxiety

Parenting is one of life’s most rewarding journeys, but it demands extraordinary reserves of energy, patience, and resilience. In the midst of the daily whirlwind of responsibilities, parents often neglect their own well-being, which can have far-reaching consequences. Self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity that directly impacts both personal and parental effectiveness. While the concept of self-care is widely discussed, its true power lies in its ability to equip parents with the mental, emotional, and physical resources needed to navigate the challenges of raising a family. Prioritizing self-care helps parents build the resilience needed to manage stress and anxiety, creating a nurturing environment where their children can thrive. So, what does effective self-care look like for busy parents? And what are the consequences of neglecting this crucial aspect…


How to Recognize Signs of Stress and Anxiety in Your Child

As a parent, you want the best for your child, and that includes their mental well-being. In today's world, children face numerous challenges that can lead to stress and anxiety. Recent studies indicate that up to 20.5% of children worldwide experienced anxiety symptoms during the pandemic, nearly doubling pre-pandemic rates.  It's crucial to be aware of the signs and symptoms of stress and anxiety in your child so that you can provide them with the support they need. Recognizing Behavioral Signs of Stress and Anxiety One of the first things to look out for when it comes to stress and anxiety in your child is changes in their behavior. It is reported that behavioral problems, which can be indicators of underlying stress and anxiety, affected about 9.2% of children in…


Gavin hit a major milestone on his journey to independence

Today, I'm thrilled to share a milestone achievement in my autistic son, Gavin's journey toward independence—a journey marked by resilience and quiet strength. At 24 years old, Gavin faces challenges that many of us can barely fathom. Diagnosed with Common Variable Immune Deficiency (CVID), his immune system is severely compromised, which means he's highly susceptible to infections that his body struggles to fight off. To manage this condition, Gavin has adopted a rigorous medical routine that involves self-administering a crucial medication through two small needles directly into his abdomen, not once, but twice every week. The procedure itself is daunting and time-consuming, at times taking several hours each session. It's a testament to Gavin's fortitude that he has managed these infusions on his own for many years, enduring the discomfort…


We don’t stop being parents when they become adults

This is Gavin. Gavin is my 24 year old autistic son who has recently begun building his own adult life. This past week Gavin called me from the break room at work and was incredibly upset. He was not making a great deal of sense and only after calming him down could I really understand what was going on. After a few minutes, I was able to figure out that his phone wasn’t working correctly and he was freaking out because he liked watching YouTube on his lunch break. He was frustrated because this disrupted his routine and he doesn’t like that. He was currently calling me from his watch because his phone battery had died and he didn’t know what to do. He had a few minutes before he…


Navigating haircuts with my autistic kids

The question has been asked. How do I navigate haircuts with my 3 autistic kids. I thought since Elliott literally just walked out from getting one, we’d talk about it. In general, haircuts are easy now but it wasn’t always that way. When the boys were little, it was a sensory nightmare. I’d put off haircuts for as long as I could because I knew how difficult it would be for the kids and everyone else involved. There were times that I would have their hair cut really short just so it would take a little longer before we needed to return. The boys struggled with sitting still. The noise from the electric clippers freaked them out and the little hairs that were left behind made them itch and drove…