Have I said how much I hate 2020?

Emmett's not been having a good week in regards to school. He's been in a fever flare for going on a week now and that's likely contributing to his struggles. As crazy as it sounds, I hadn't put two and two together until this morning. He's been doing well since returning to his old school. This morning he woke up not feeling well and I tried to help him work through it but he's miserable, so I let him go back to sleep. The antivirals haven't really helped reduce this particular flare yet and he's still in a lot of pain. At least he can find some relief if he sleeps. I called the school and Emmett will do on today's work when he wakes up. There's a lesson learned…

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Emmett just hit a fever cycle

Recently, there was a delay in refilling Emmett's antivirals that he takes for his fever disorder. With all that had been going on with Gavin recently, I'd opted to use this opportunity to see how he did without them. He did really well for about 2 weeks but just in case, I addressed the issue that was preventing his script from getting refilled. He's got several of these in his mouth. They're very painful and related to his fever disorder. Unfortunately, Emmett hit a fever flare for what I think is the first time since lockdown. I can't remember the last time he had a flare up. It appears that he needs to stay on the Acyclovir going forward. It only took 2 weeks for the mouth sores to come…