I was able to give Gavin his #Clozapine tonight

We were able to get Gavin's Clozapine refilled today. I had to make a few calls but the script was ready for pickup at 7:30 PM tonight. That's definitely a step ahead of what it's been for the last few months. I'm not sure if the new process we are trying with the doctors office is responsible for this pleasant turn of events or if it was the new bloodwork order, with very specific instructions. Maybe the stars aligned and everyone simply did their jobs. I guess the only reason I can is because I'd like to repeat this every week. It's a huge relief when I don't have so battle to get his lab results sent and his script refilled. All that truly matters right now is that I'm…


It seems Hell may just have frozen over

For the very first time in weeks, we had something happen that hasn't happened in a long time. That something is Gavin's Clozapine prescription being delivered on time. That's right, Gavin's seven day supply of Clozapine showed up on time. This is a big relief because his Clozapine is extremely time sensitive and he can't miss a single dose. He only gets seven days worth of pills at a time and this is a very dangerous medication. I'm really grateful that everything just clicked today and I definitely give credit to the pharmacy for making sure this happened. I'm hoping this is a sign of things to come... ☺


Why is this so fucking complicated?

The goddamn pharmacy didn't get Gavin's Clozapine filled in time for the second week in a row. This is very time sensitive and it's in a set schedule. Gavin gets his bloodwork done on Monday or Tuesday and they pull the labs Tuesday afternoon. The script gets filled and delivered by Wednesday afternoon. It's really not that complicated because it's the same thing each week. I made several phone calls at the beginning of the week to ensure everything was in order. I even called late Tuesday afternoon to remind them to call for the labs and make sure the script was either ready for pickup or delivered by Wednesday afternoon. I was assured this wouldn't be a problem. Thankfully, we have an emergency supply to cover for disruptions like…