It’s so hard to feed my kids with #Autism

We're having a really hard time finding food that Emmett will eat, especially while at school. He's never eaten the school lunches because he's incredibly sensory oriented. It just won't ever happen and that's okay. The problem is that's it's become increasingly more difficult to find things we can pack in his lunch, that he'll actually eat. We've had temporary successes but nothing ever really lasts for too long. Once he stops eating something, he'll likely never touch it again. It's important to understand that this isn't him being picky. This is something he has no control over and while we try to work with and encourage him to try new things, there isn't a great deal we can do but keep trying. The difference between a picky eater and…


Hopefully we’ll beat the incoming bad weather

Everyone is dragging this morning but cooperative. It's been a long week and it's finally Friday. I don't think there are any plans this weekend but maybe we'll go hiking. After we take the boys to school, Lizze, myself and Gavin are going to go walking. Hopefully, we'll beat the incoming bad weather.


Here’s how our appointment with Pain Management went

Lizze and I met with Pain Management at the Cleveland Clinic yesterday. The objective of this appointment was to find ways to help Lizze manage her dibilating chronic pain. Lizze is living with Fibromyalgia, Ehlers-Danlos and daily migraines. As anyone dealing with chronic pain will likely tell you, it's exhausting, and it has a profoundly negative impact on your life. Lizze's pain impacts every single aspect of her life and has since 2004, when she was first diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Our reason for seeing pain management was to help her better manage her pain and maybe, get some of her life back in the process. There was a great deal of discussion that occurred during the appointment and her new doctor is really cool. I liked him but most importantly,…


I’m getting out for a bit tonight

This evening I'll be participating in a guys night out for the first time in a while. It's usually my Dad and friends of the family or from church that get together once a month. I've only gone once before and it was a lot of fun. I'll only be gone about two hours and so I don't stress out too much about being away. Life isn't easy. I'm trying to take advantage of moments like this because it allows me to step outside my comfort zone and sorta decompress for a little bit. Speaking for myself, but I know many of you out there get this, as much as I need a break, I'm always nervous about taking one. It seems counterintuitive but it's just something I struggle with.…


Why am I so exhausted? I’m an #Autism parent, that’s why

Going into this post, it's important to know that I'm frustrated and trying to make a point about why Autism parents, like myself are so exhausted all the time. Every time I'm asked why I'm so exhausted, it's a reminder how little people understand the challenges I face as an Autism parent. I'm absolutely venting but trying my best to do so in a way that helps to put things into perspective. I shouldn't have to say this but I love my kids and Autism is part of who they are. I accept them and love them just the way they are. The reality however, is that Autism can make things very, very difficult. If you can relate to this, please show your support by clicking the Like, Share or…


Yesterday was largely positive but it still took its toll

Everyone got off to school okay and it's been a decent morning. Lizze is in a great deal of pain, a bit grouchy, but understandably so. Yesterday took a toll on her and she's going to need to recover. I feel pretty good about yesterday but I'm crazy exhausted from it at the same time. Gavin's a bit off this morning and I'm not sure what's going on. We're going to have to keep an eye on him today and try to stay a step ahead of him. I'm going to go walking shortly and then I'll finish working on the post about Lizze's appointment yesterday. Stay tuned.


This is why my youngest with #Autism begged us to pull him out of his school

Tonight, I'm just going to get into what happened at the school to make Emmett want us to pull him out. I'm too tired to deal with all the Cleveland Clinic stuff tonight as well. I'll get to that a bit later. As the school year enters its forth week, we've noticed Emmett is becoming increasingly more distressed. His tummy aches are back and he's not wanting to go to school. We didn't know there was a specific something going on that was causing these issues. Emmett's no stranger to tummy aches in the morning and while it's generally a sign that he's stressed out, the cause of that stress could literally be anything. More often than not, he's never able to tell us what's bothering him and it takes…


The appointments went well and we just arrived home

Lizze and I just got home. We've been gone for about 10 hours in total. It's been a really, really, really long day. The boys are currently on the their way home and once their settled in, I'm going to likely go walking. Lizze's appointments went very well and we're still sorta digesting what we learned in pain management. I'll work on a summary of both the pain management appointment and what happened at school in regards to Emmett. I'm pretty sure we've resolved that issue but time will tell. Right now, I'm just tired. I don't really want to go walking but that's all the more reason for me to go. I'm on course to finish my monthly goal almost 10 days early. That's awesome. ☺ Anyway, my plan…