The struggles we face while raising a profoundly cognitively impaired adult son

I spoke recently about some of the struggles we face while raising a profoundly cognitively impaired adult son. This morning presented me with yet another issue that was directly related to how Gavin handles things. When we were at his gastro earlier this week, there were a few issues that came up as a result of Gavin's limited capacity and poor memory. None of these things are his fault and while they would still be frustrating at times, it's his reaction to being questioned that is really frustrating. You can read the recent post about this appointment and the initial frustrations by clicking here. It wasn't until this morning that the other complications presented themselves. Gavin's doctor had asked about how he was doing with his Ensures. Gavin drinks one…


It looks like it will be a very long night

Just a quick update. I mentioned in the last post that Emmett woke up and wasn't able to go back to sleep because of his sore throat. It turns out that Emmett is still unable to go back to sleep and I'm now sitting in a chair, while he's trying to fall asleep on the couch. If he falls asleep, I will hopefully be able to eventually move him to his bed. I'm so fricking tired and I need sleep.