I think this is the first doctors appointment we’ve ever had a night
I think this is the first doctors appointment we've ever had a night
I think this is the first doctors appointment we've ever had a night
The road that divorce takes you down is not set in stone. There's no predetermined outcome and at least in most cases, there's a choice that you have to make.
".............. In fact, I don't even know how I will even begin to process this, once it actually happens and that scares me....." Read More
We have a last minute appointment with Dr. Reynolds tonight. Here's why and what needs to be accomplished..... Read More
I checked on Elliott and I think he's running a fever. I'll take his temperature after he wakes up. I don't want to disturb him now, he needs his rest.
It's one of those things that I can't control and so there's no use stressing out about it. We can still make this a special day for him and have the actual party in a few days.
Poor Elliott is sick again. He spent a large part of the day sleeping and here's how he doing tonight...
Please take a minute and wish Gavin a happy birthday...