More bloodcurdling screams and massive meltdowns after midnight  

I didn't get a chance to write much today, and there's a good reason for that. I was up all night with both Elliott and Emmett. I don't know why Elliott was up but it's concerning when we've possibly got Bipolar disorder on the radar.  As for Emmett, he was nauseous and running a fever. He was set up on the couch, with a puke bucket and a very low threshold for anything.  Being up all night would have been bad enough, but he wasn't just awake. Emmett was having massive meltdowns into the wee hours of the morning. These weren't mini-meltdowns either. It was a super surprised that someone didn't call the police kind of meltdowns.  This, of course, didn't help Elliott sleep, but he was already not sleeping…


URGENT: Ohio General Assembly wants to freeze Medicaid enrollment

​This is a message from the Autism Society of Greater Akron. I'm simply helping to spread the word, and drum up support. Please take a second and read this, especially if you're in Ohio.. I fully support the Autism Society.. When they speak, we need to listen.  This week, Ohio's legislature passed a budget bill that freezes enrollments in expanded Medicaid after July 1, 2018. The bill has been passed to Governor Kasich and he is expected to veto the language that freezes enrollments.  If that happens, the legislature may have the votes to override his veto and pass the enrollment freeze into law.   Here's what you need to know and how you can help: The Autism Society of Ohio and other ASA affiliates around the state have sent letters to the…


We had a good day because believe it or not, it does happen

My family and I managed to have a pretty awesome day today. It began with an early morning trip to Chuck E Cheeses. As a result of our previous experience, their PR people sent me two family passes so we could try again.  This time around was much better.  The boys had a great time and it seems that they've made some changes to the way the new system works. We spent a few fun, family hours playing games.  Thanks to Chuck E Cheeses PR people for the chance to try things out again.  While we were there, I received a phone call about Gavin needing blood work. We took care of that on the way home, and Gavin did great.  After a busy morning, we tried to have a…


An exhausting day full of #Autism and chaos

I have lived through a day that was full of Autism. That shouldn't be surprising, as all three of the boys, and probably the wife, is on the spectrum.  Here's the thing.  We can get through days sometimes, and while challenging, there wasn't really anything that made the word Autism pop into my head. I don't know if that makes sense, but let's assume it does and move on.  We can also have those days where it's incredibly obvious to me that Autism is playing a huge role in everything we're struggling with that day. That's what Thursday was like for me.  All three of the boys were in rare form.  Emmett was taking everything literally, even more than usual. There was no wiggle room with him in this area,…


Stir crazy, frustrated, and overwhelmed describes the day

It's the day before payday and we need to get a lot of things done tomorrow. The boys are going stir crazy because we don't have much gas to really go anywhere until tomorrow. I think what we're going to do is get everyone to the park and let them explore the creek. Elliott wants to find and study some salamanders, before releasing them back into the wide. He's getting into taking pictures and would like to get some shots to share on his private Facebook page. Lizze is frustrated with a project she's working on for class, and Gavin is driving everyone bonkers with his incessant questions. I've been working for most of the day. I'm creating new revenue streams, and I'm building new relationships with some awesome companies.…


Does it take more than 1 night? 

We have absolutely nothing on the agenda for today. It's already been a really long week, and a slow day would be much appreciated.  I did end up going to bed around 10 pm last night, and that was awesome. My goal is to try and get my sleep cycle back on track. It's hard to do this when you have three kids on the Autism Spectrum, who seem hell bent on not allowing for a regular sleep wake cycle.  While I'm in a better head space this morning, I'm still helping exhausted.  Perhaps it takes more than one night's sleep to make an impact?


Heartbreak is absolutely crushing me tonight

The boys and I had therapy tonight with Dr. Pattie. While I typically enjoy these family sessions, tonight's was a little rough for me. Tonight, Gavin unloaded a string of mission debriefings.  I know how much he likes telling us all about the missions he goes on with his invisible friends, and I would rather hear about it than not, but it sucks. It sucks because it's crystal clear in those moments, that Gavin is not okay. It sucks because it shows that he's still seeing things that aren't there. He still believes that he's a superhero, who's fighting intergalactic battles, against evil villains. Tonight he went on about three of his latest missions. I'll just list the bullet points: Snatchers Elements of Harmony Telepathically entering Twilight's mind Disections Sword…


Why I’m optimistic and feeling positive 

Lizze is off to class and the boys are upstairs. Gavin's sleeping off his morning medications, and I'm getting some work done. I'm feeling really optimistic because I had a meeting this morning about a new ads set up that will help to increase our income. Last night, I got emails from two different companies and I'm going to be reviewing some really awesome pieces of smart technology. I'm hoping this is a sign of things to come. All I have ever left today is therapy with the boys, and a bit more exercise. I already did over ten flights of stairs. That was loads of fun but it's a workout. I'd like to do at least ten more... ☺