Fingers crossed and prayers sent

It's been an unexpectedly good morning. The boys got off to school without any issue and I'm now waiting for Gavin to have his labs drawn. The only other thing this morning is an appointment for Lizze. Today, I'm going to be focusing on making sure Gavin's Clozapine gets refilled tomorrow. I'm also going to be stressing out about the results of last his labs because they've been all over the place recently. Fingers crossed and prayers sent.


Setting only one goal for myself today

The boys were supposed to have their ADHD medication check this morning. They were also supposed to be at the dentist yesterday as well. We've rescheduled both because they've missed so much school recently due to illness, we don't want them missing anymore unless it's absolutely necessary. Both appointments are rescheduled for after school hours and about a month out. While Elliott and Emmett's appointments have been cancled for today, Gavin still needs his bloodwork done. It's in the same place as the appointments we're but I feel like we made the right decision. Gavin wasn't home until after the lab was closed yesterday and I forgot to ask Lizze's Mom to take him while he was with her. Having the labs done today is cutting things a bit close…


Why good news doesn’t always make me feel better

I just got an email from Gavin's doctors office in regards to his labs from yesterday. The results from yesterday have his Absolute Neutrophil count back up to 3.0. The number is still on the lower end of things but it's significantly better than it was yesterday. What worries me is the why. Why are the numbers so drastically different? Did the lab make an error the first time? What if the lab error is this time around? Is it even possible for the numbers to fluctuate so rapidly? I don't know what to think and I'm waiting to hear back. The only other thing we could do is run his labs a third time and see where we are but I don't want to put Gavin through that. I'm…

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Exhausted, stressed out, worried and overwhelmed

Gavin's feeling better this morning and the boys got off to school without much trouble. Lizze is having a rough morning because she had a really difficult day yesterday and didn't sleep well last night. I'm pleased to say she's currently napping on the couch for a little while. I hate the idea of waking her up but we have to get ready to take Ruby to the vet, and she wants to go. Hopefully Ruby's appointment will go well and we'll be home before we know it. I'm still waiting on Gavin's lab results as well as the delivery of his Clozapine prescription. In the spirit of honesty, I'm very preoccupied with worry about the results of Gavin's labs from yesterday. There's a really good chance we're going to…