Gavin and I just rescued two beautiful baby squirrels :)

I was walking out the door to get the boys from school and I noticed a very young baby squirrel crawling around in my front garden.  It's eyes were still closed and I soon noticed another tiny baby as well.  They were not going to survive because they were barely able to walk and one was still blind, not to mention they fell about 50 ft from their nest.  Gavin and I scooped them up and ran them to the Wildlife Center in my area before picking up the boys from school.  These things were adorable and I couldn't let them die and I definitely couldn't let Elliott see them because he would want to rescue them by raising them himself.  Not gonna happen.  They will be fine now and…


I was able to squeeze my walk in this morning 

The boys got off to school and I was able to squeeze in my walk this morning..     The walk was amazing but it totally wore me out because I was already at a deficit due to Emmett getting up so early. I ended up taking a nap afterwards and woke up feeling completely recharged. 😀 I need to really keep pushing myself to be as active as I can because I can sorta feel that my depression is creeping it's way back into my daily life and exercise is the only that has every truly helped me battle it.  That simply can't be allowed to take over and I don't plan on letting that happen. 


We had a rough start this morning but finished strong 

Emmett began refusing to go to school at the ungodly hour of 4am. He said he wasn't feeling good.     Here's the thing with Emmett. He struggles with expressive language still and that makes it more challenging to figure out what he has going on. I have to rely heavily on behavioral changes that I notice for information on how he's doing.  This probably goes without saying but we got off to a rough start this morning.  On the positive side, he ended up willingly going to school and even did so in a good mood. I truly hope that he continues to have a better day. ❤️😀👍


Here’s what happened at the boys immunologist appointment yesterday

I was so distracted by the events of yesterday that I failed to share how the actual appointment went for both Elliott and Gavin.  The good news is that both boys are doing really well.  Elliott was there for a food allergy and asthma follow up. His asthma is very much under control and he did quite well in his peak flow testing. There's not really much to be done with his food allergy because we avoid almonds all together and so there really isn't any point in blood work.     Elliott was so anxious that our Doctor simply said that when he's ready to find out if he's still allergic to almonds, we can do blood work. Until that time, we just stay the course.  She's very good with the…


Why can’t I just call it an obsession because that’s what it is for my kids with #Autism?

This past week, Elliott decided that it's a really good idea for him to practice taking care of a child. I have no idea where this came from but Dr. Pattie suggests it might be about gaining some control. He wants to practice taking care of a doll but is really embarrassed by that idea.  I have spent the last few days trying to instill in him that it's perfectly okay for him to want to practice caring for a child by using a surrogate like a doll. There's nothing wrong with boys playing with dolls or girls playing with trucks.     Now this isn't as cut and dry as it sounds because he's become extremely obsessed with this idea and it's interfering with his daily life. This isn't really any…


My day began with a massive meltdown and ended with another flat tire

There's really no sugar coating things because today just plain sucked. I've had worse days by far but today just wouldn't quit. I was on a very tight schedule this morning and of course, Emmett picked today to refuse to go to school. He said he wasn't feeling well and long story short, I ended up taking Emmett with us.  Perhaps it wasn't the right decision but in the moment, there wasn't much else I could do because I was already running late and it's close to a 3 hour round trip (depending on traffic).    Elliott was nervous cause he feared the possibility of blood work and Gavin kept bouncing around the front seat cause he needed the use the bathroom. Emmett was fine until the drive home when…


Do you know what it’s like to be trapped in a car for 3 hours with a kid having a massive meltdown?

Emmett ended up having to go with us to Elliott and Gavin's doctors appointment.  The appointment itself went well and the boys checked out fine. Although, one thing to note is that Elliott's heart rate is very elevated and we aren't sure why. It's most likely tied to how anxious he was about the appointment but I have to keep an eye on him. Like I said, the appointment was a breeze but the car ride up and back was a total bitch.     Emmett melted down for about 75% of the trip home. Elliott freaked out and Gavin did his potty dance for most of the way up.m It was like someone flipped a switch with Emmett and set him off because their was no consoling him. Maybe he…


I just want the screaming to stop :(

Nothing is going as planned this morning.. Elliott and Gavin are doing pretty well and they are ready to make the trip to the immunologist in Cleveland. Emmett on the other hand, is another story completely.. Anxiety is definitely getting the better of Emmett today. He's refusing to go to school because he doesn't feel well. He says that he feels like he's going to throw up. Maybe he doesn't feel well. Maybe he's actually getting sick. Then again, maybe he's not.    What I suspect is that his stomach ache is the result of him being anxious about going to school by himself, without his big brother Elliott.  I think he's experiencing anxiety, which we all know can upset ones tummy. Emmett has been hysterical this morning and frankly,…